
Military retirees pay for health care. Illegals get it for free from military health facilities. Fair?

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Military retirees pay just under $600.00 for a benefit that was promised to them for free in exchange for 20 year of service. Illegals get it for free. Is this a good use of our tax dollars?




  1. Not fair, but whoever said that life was fair. Please consider the fact that your are using after tax dollars as well.

    Citizens need to demand an end to birthright anchor baby citizenship and use of military on American soil to defend this country.  Great to have border patrol, but they need more help (other countries use their military internally).

    Also we need to push for English as our national language. The wait for eligible immigrants to come legally into this country is seriously backed-up and should be revamped.  Wish U.S. Congress had a longer work week and fewer breaks so they could get this country on a better track by addressing inequities and challenges like these,

  2. First of all, care for military retirees at military treatment facilities is free. It's just on a space and staff availability. But, the dirty little secret is that the Congress of the United States has never appropriated one dollar for that care. The budget for that military treatment facility near you is based on active duty base loading. Nothing is factored in for care of retirees and dependents and it never has been.  

    Secondly, the story you cited concerns a unit of the Texas Air National Guard. Unless they have been "federalized" or activated for duty, they are a State unit, not a Federal one. So, whatever care was rendered at Ellington Field was done by the State of Texas. It was not a Federal military facility.

    As for out of pocket expenses for medical care, I shell out $1,122.00 a year for Medicare Part "B" coverage so I can also be covered by Tricare For Life as a secondary insurer.  

  3. Actually we pay more.  If you are disabled and drawing social security disability, even after the disability being caused by combat action, you have to buy Medicare part B for 93.00 a month, plus Tricare if you want that.  It's closer to 1300 a year.

  4. If our Government wasn't so soft on Illegals and give them everything we would have plenty for our soldiers and poor people but until we stand up for our rights nothing will happen.The Illegals come here and then protest over unfair treatment.

  5. Illegals only get emergency service. They don't get medicine or preventative service. It's the same thing people with no insurance get. We should stop illegal immigration or make them citizens. But we definitely need border security.

  6. terrible, isn't it?  I say cut slack for the veterans and make the illegals pay just like everyone else.  No more freeloading.  There are jobs out there (regardless of where it is-- stop being picky!).

  7. I absolutely agree with you on this one!

    God Bless America and Her People!

    God Bless Our Brave Troops!

    Vote Smart!

    Consider Your Children and Grand-Children;

    Their Future Is In Our Voting Hands!

  8. NOPE. And it's not fair how the government sometimes neglects our Veterans either...

  9. It is justified as a training exercise and a good will mission.

    Anyone that accepts free care cannot sue if someone screws up the treatment and kills you.

    You can have my insurance it is only 6000 a year and I am on a fixed income; not everybody can pass a military physical and get those benefits.

    You think I wouldn't like a freebie once in a while?

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