
Military secrets being told by my bro in law?

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Brother in law divulging (supposed) military secrets to mom. He is telling our mom alot of top secret stuff pertaining to state and military. He may just be full of caca, in which case he is mentally abusing her,because he is telling her about a military man, who i think does not exist, or it's for real, and the stuff he's telling her is top secret. stuff. Who would I talk to? The reason I say he's mentally abusing her, is for the fact that she has never met this man that bro in law is telling her about, but she is writing letters to him and sending him gifts. The gifts and letters have to be giving to her son in law, because of the level of security involving this mans whereabouts. The son in law in turn, sends them to the the head of homeland security (general so and so) who reviews the letters of gifts, and decides whether or not they can be sent to this man. Mom is a widow, and totally caught up in all this c**p, and this mystery man is all she talks about. She prays for him, because he was poisoned by spy's, and almost died! Give me a break! How do I bust this a** hole? He is also supposedly involved in some money laundering for the government, and goes all over to different hotels in the state giving code words to front desk people, and exchanging money. Can you believe this stuff??




  1. Call the FBI or 1 800 CALLSPY.yes it is a real #

  2. yeah i think you should call military on this guy telling your mom that.  My husbands in the military and sure he tells me stuff but not stuff like that and im sure if i asked him bout this he'd probly tell you the same it bull ****.... and probly want the guys name thats telling your mom this he'd call his commander on it and get this guy. so you should call the military or the military police bout it so they can straighten it out  

  3. Call the F.B.I. and let them in on the supposed espionage going on ,they can handle it discretely. If Mr. KNOW IT ALL, is all he says he is,  he will not be a threat to national security for long. If on the other hand he is full of caca his cover will be blown.

  4. Yes its bullshit, call his commanding officer and have a nice long talk with him. They will bust his *** in half a heart beat. Also, inform the police that there is potential fraud going on. They will investigate. Finally, call DHS and have them send an agent over and inform your mother that your brother in law does not have contact with the head of DHS.

  5. I talked to my units S4 about a guy who was harrassing me and asking me too many questions when I had a clearence, the guy was from Turkey and never told me he use to be an NCO on the military installation I worked on, it would have been best for him to give me more info on himself before I turned him in for investigation.

  6. You can find out "private" information about very easily, he doesn't have to be a Spy. If he is a Spy he is breaking the law looking into your family's private file's and he would know that. Because he signed the Official Secrets act if he is caught divulging information to third party's be them family,Friend's or His dog he will be charged. To be honest it sound's like a load of horse sh*t. I'm not sure where you live but if you go to the Police they will be more then happy to look into it, or there's web site's you can look on. Try and ask him what government agency he is working for, once you've found that out you can go on the website and contact them. But if he is real and giving away sensitive information be ready to never see the guy again as he's going to be in Prison for a long time.

    He is a blagged, who wants to try and nick stuff of your mother. If he is tried and found out for this he may be done for treason. In England this is one of three thing's that can still carry the Death Sentence.

  7. Your brother-in-law is talking out his @$$.  The head of the Department of Homeland Security is a civilian -- Secretary Michael Cherthoff.  There are no military officers in Homeland Security.  If he's accepting these "gifts" your Mom is sending, he is either committing fraud or obtaining goods under false pretenses, both of which are court-martial punishable offenses under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

    If your brother-in-law is in the military, you'll have to get in touch with someone in his particular branch of the service.  Find out which base is closest to you, call the base operator, and ask them to connect you to the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate (Legal Office).  They'll be able to find out where your brother-in-law is stationed, who his commander is, and they'll be able to refer the case to the appropriate investigative agency.  If he really is bilking your Mom, he'll get nailed for it.

  8. no i do not believe this stuff because divulging secrets like that can be considered treason! it's time for a talk with her about how he's full of it and time for a talk to him about how he needs to stop (even threaten to report him if he keeps insisting it's real)

  9. As your brother in law does your sister Know whats going on .If not put her  in the picture  Failing that Get the Military / Police involved

  10. My guess is that he's "full of caca," as you so eloquently put it.

    Somebody in a position in which he'd be privy to secrets wouldn't be talking about the secrets. More than likely he wouldn't even tell anybody he was in such a position.

    I'll bet he's just feeding you mom a line. The other stuff... gifts, coded messages, etc.... bull stuff cooked up by him to support his story. How hard is it to go to a hotel, drop off an envelope for somebody, then show up a day or so later pretending to be that person? He can send himself a package from whomever he wants.

    If you feel he's genuine, report him to the FBI. Any office will do. Tell them the guy's either lying or telling the truth. On the off chance he's telling the truth, you feel an obligation to report it.

    The FBI goes pretty much wherever they please. They don't care which branch of the service he is (or pretends to be). You cold waste a lot of time trying to get that information. You certainly can't ask him... you couldn't trust his answer.

    Unless the guy's a rogue (which absolutely needs to be investigated), he is full of stuff. And, he's playing your mother... and your sister (his wife) for fools.

  11. "Can you believe this stuff??"


  12. I too doubt the man exists. My brother-in-law is the same way, acting like he's far more involved in military intelligence than he possibly could be as a 39 year old corporal with 20 years in.

    See if you can discern his CO and write an anonymous letter, or at the very least find the name of a CO at the base who you can write to.

  13. sounds like your mum is being taken for a ride.. call the police hotline and say you think your mum is being scammed.. see what they suggest..

    if that doesnt work call the military office where he works and explain the stry to them... let them chat with him. they wont like him big talking !!

  14. Give a call to your local police department or FBI and tell them this and that you think she is being scammed and ask them for advice what to do.

    I think you are right when bells and whistles go off in your head and you think something is wrong. This is wrong and sounds like BS to me too.

  15. What?, I don't understand why a guy would be sending letters and gifts to another guy?  

  16. Call in the military police, let them have a chat with this blagger!  

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