
Military supplements?????

by  |  earlier

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I thinking about taking anabolic xtreme hyperdrol x2 would i fail if i took a drug test in the military. Its legal in the us you can buy it on any site. Is their certain supplements you cant take in the military?




  1. You are good to take them.

    DoD labs are equipped to test for marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, LSD, opiates (including morphine and heroine), barbiturates and PCP.

  2. Speak with the drug testing program and/or your medical doc before taking anything.  Many supplements..even ones that are legal and, in many cases, available in products sold at the BX or GNC, are forbidden for use by military members.  The reason for this is that many people do not consider listing supplements when they list medications they take.  Some supplements can interact with prescription medicine and others can have possibly serious side affects in and of themselves.  Since they may not be part of your official medical record, it could lead to serious issues in treating you if injured or ill.  And, many of these supplements can register as a positive in drug testing simply because their chemical structure may have some similarities to banned substances...the military forbids their use as a way to minimize false positives and the costs that can bring in retesting.  Find out for sure and if it is ok, be sure to update your medical records as soon as possible.

  3. Test boosters, like you're talking about, are legal. Before, you were allowed to go ahead and list what you were taking so in case you popped on a p**s test, they'd know it was something else (for example, SuperPump250, a nitric oxide supplement, can make you pop on a p**s test). Now, not so much.

    However, my question for you is what you're currently doing for diet and exercise that you want to take a testosterone booster. You can email that to me.  

  4. On the contrary, if you get into a special forces you'll be given the illegal stuff for normal people. It's not something sneaky done by the government, it's just legal for special forces to take steroids and enhancements and supplements that normal people cannot.

    Take your butt shot, train for 3 days

  5. The best bet is to talk to two people on this one -

    1)  Your SACO.  Your Substance Abuse Coordination Officer will have all the substances that have been banned by the military.

    2)  Your Doc.  The medic will also have the same list and could help you decide if the subtances will be good or not.

    Why do you need to take anything anyways?  Eat health.  Continue to work out.  Stop drinking / partying so much.  And you will improve in the most healthy of ways!

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