
Military wedding ideas for me?

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My finace' is in the airforce and we will be getting marrie don June 20,2009. I know we are going to have the honor guard at the wedding. I also know that after the march everyone sings the pleadge of allegence. If there anything I need to know about a military wedding. We are having a formal elegant wedding with military tradtion in as well. Please help make this military wedding possible.




  1. Something cute to add is mabye a little airman and bride wedding cake topper, thats what I did at my wedding

  2. i mnot an expert on this topic but this may help you indeed

  3. y husband was a former Marine, now Army. We had a wedding like yours. I did not want to do it over the top as he was a reservist and it was only half his life. but here are the touches I did:

    garter - dog tag with names and wedding date. nice surprise

    Cake topper

    Addressing of the wedding invitations (using his rank and branch of service)

    arch of sabers

    you can also do napkins - instead of your names or date, with hearts or something have it the air force emblem instead.

    the cake topper and garter links are actually the exact ones I used. here is a link to some air force items to help you with more ideas.

    this site is where i got most of my ideas.

  4. A sword arch is a great part of a military wedding.

  5. Don't forget about a sword arch.

  6. Have a camo dress and put mines along the isle so you have to dodge them, would would be a lot more fun.

  7. call Charm City cakes and have them make a Camoflouge cake! they are the best! they have a tv show on the food network, check it out!

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