
Milk aside, how much food does/did your 10 month old eat? How big is the portion? How often?

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I need to hear how other moms feed their bubs, just to get some ideas. Thanks anyway.




  1. She eats three meals a day, and sometimes an afternoon snack.  I would guess she eats 1/2 to 1 cup of whatever she is eating.  I usually do some kind of a mixture of fruits, veggies, whole grains, yogurt, cheese, beans, or meat.  Mealtimes vary, but are approximately 800am, 1200pm, 300pm snack, and 600pm.  It varies a lot by her hunger level.  

  2. at 7 months my son eats cereal in the morning I put 3 oz of milk in it to get it to the right thickness. Then he gets a veggie and fruit at lunch 4oz each and then again at dinner. At 10 months you should be able to use the stage 3 food which I think has 6oz in it

  3. i stopped my sonon formula at 9 months so his meals were his only food so he had a slice of toast for breakfast, mid-morning biscuit or piece fo fruit, lunch is a sandwidgh (2 slices of bread cut into 4 squares) most of it goes on the floor mind!!! he then has a baby jar of pudding ( a small one) as a snack then follwoed by his tea which varies but we tend to liquidise it as most of his day meals he feeds himself, the night meal is to make sure he has a good portion, we fill the plate up and he eats what he wants... then has milk (cow's milk) to go to bed .... he is a big baby tho!! 11 months

  4. I have 11 month old twins.They eat pretty much everything.My son has four teeth and my daughter has none.I don't give them juice or sweets.Here's some stuff they eat...

    Cottage cheese

    yogurt (and lot's of it)

    shredded cheddar

    cereal(sometimes mixed with cereal or yougurt)

    lots of bananas



    green beans

    pasta(with or without sauce)






    steak (cut into small bits)

    they eat alot of gerber puffs

    gerber 'lil graduates meals

    corn(they love chomping on corn on the cob)

    rice and beans


  5. He has a cereal bar and a thing of yogurt for breakfast...  A few Cheerios for a snack... A small bowl of veggies and fruit for lunch... A few graham crackers for another snack... And a couple of pieces of a meat, a few veggies and a few pieces of fruit for dinner.  It's hard to measure it out - I just put some pieces on his tray and let him eat.  Some nights he eats a lot, some nights he barely eats anything.  

  6. The appetite of a child that age will vary from child to child and from meal to meal.  Some days your baby will eat four jars of food in a single sitting.  Other days you won't get three spoonfuls down him/her in a whole day.

    At 10 months, they do not have the appetite or attention span to normally eat a whole meal.  You usually have to give them 5-6 small meals throughout the days. (Or 3 meals and 3 snacks if you prefer to think of it that way).  Your child will tell you how much he/she wants, and what foods at what times.  

    Some prefer a large breakfast (a bowl of baby cereal and a jar of fruit), while others may refuse anything by a couple mouthfuls until lunch.

    You feed them what they want, when they want it.  And as long as they are gaining weight and growing, they are good.

    If they want more, they will let you know.  (And all babies are born with mouth locks that prevent you from possibly being able to give them more than they want. LOL)

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