
Milk or Water.......?

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If I had to chose, it would be water.




  1. WATER!!!!!!! Milk can get expired

  2. milk

  3. absolutely water, but it has to be ice cold!  nothing quenches my thirst except good old H2O!

  4. Please explain more, what you want to know!

  5. i  would  do  water  it  is  vital  for  you  to  keep  that in  your system  i  flushes  out  all  the  toxins in  your  system  and  your  body  is  made  up  of  80%   water  anyways  to  keep  your  organs  in  working  condition.   milk  is  good  for  you  but  water  is  the  best

  6. water

  7. water- it is always available

  8. if i was on an island and had to choose one water cuz you can go a week or so without food

    but only 2-3 days without water

    so then water

    but if i was home or somthing both cuz milk is good for you and water cuz i kinda need it :)

  9. Women as a whole are not getting enough calcium, so milk would be the best choice for us. But not exclusively - we need water, too!

  10. I think water is better than milk.

  11. I would choose both. Women need so much calcium and milk is a great source. Everyone needs water to surrive.

  12. it depend.

    if your feel very thirsty...i go with water cz milk will make u more thirsty-er. give all the calcium that your body be honest now, i realized how important it is to have all the vitamins that your body needed cz if u get will feel what you been missing.

  13. I would choose water too. Sometimes milk just sounds gross to me! Especially when I'm really warm or something. Anyway, we all should drink milk for the calcium it provides. But if you're talking about surviving, water would be well-thought.

  14. Wow, tough one.  I don't think I could give up either.  I drink milk with every meal, but drink ice water all day long.

  15. Water is way better then milk and it helps your digestive system.

    Milk has its cons and also it depends on what kind because theres 2%, soy milk, fat free milk, etc

    I suggest to drink as much water and stay way from sugary juices and drinks.

    Milkshakes are fatning and it contains milk and its very sugary sweet and heavy just unhealthy.


  16. Water is the ultimate
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