
Milk or water.(trying to get 100 answers)?

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  1. in the morning milk,

    all day - water!

  2. water bcuz whenever i have milk in the refrigerator it goes bad really quickly (and its not bcuz of my refrigerator!)

    i think im answer #24 so u have long way to go for 100 answers

  3. Well, I drink both but without milk you will have bone and joint problems later on!! So you gotta have both! You can always try chocolate milk,

  4. depends.  milk in morning, water at night.

  5. Depends.

    To quench thirst... definitely water.

    To dunk cookies into.... milk!!!!

  6. water to hydrate yourself milk for strong bones

  7. Water for sure. (:

  8. water if thirsty milk with food some times

  9. Milk for sweet things like chocolate.  Water for everything else.  So both.

  10. water, yesterday i drank 3 liters, which is 9 servings


  11. if its just like by itself, than for sure water.

  12. Milk for sweet things and water for all flavours .

  13. milk for strong bones

    and water for............................

  14. Water - I'm lactose intolerant!

    Bkread2:  there are plenty of other places to get calcium from, such as leafy green vegetables and fortified milk alternatives.

  15. Water

  16. milk is good for calcium

    but i prefer water

  17. Milk

  18. Milk.

  19. Water, unless I'm eating cereal :p

  20. Flavoured milk.

  21. If the water is listed as an ingredient within my bottle of soda I don't mind drinking it.

  22. milk contains casein.  milk conatins hormones that will make a baby calf grow into a 500lb adult cow in about a month.  EVERY glass of milk contains puss and blood. dont take my word for it, think for yourself and do some research. is a good place to start.

    oh btw my answer is


  23. Def. Water and only tap because it has flouride in it and water is always gonna be the best thing for you drink, that will never change!

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