
Milk or yogurt - which has more calcium?

by  |  earlier

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and is healthier? my bones hurt sometimes, just a little bit, though, and i'm young. how many cups of milk per day (or yogurt) do you suggest? thank you




  1. yogurt has more calcium because at a young age you need abour 130% of calcium for your body and you 50% of calcium with yogurt and 25%of milk you should drink one cup of milk with yogurt and it will give the calcium you need in your body to get energy because as you get older the fat sucks the calcium out of your bone and you get weaker so more calcium you get the stronger your bones are and look for saturated fat monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat satured fat is the more fat you get the less calcuim you get  mono means one so theres a chain in your body with legs if each one has fat on it accept one that good more saturated fat the more space calcium gets and poly is small so you should a small amount of bad fat a day

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