
Milk substitutes?

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Are there any milk substitutes aside from soymilk and almond milk?

My mom is trying to avoid these products as most of them are related to corn and/or have ingredients she cannot consume without getting sick (carrageen). Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thank you! She also trying to become vegetarian/vegan...? Links would be appreciated, too!




  1. There is rice milk which is ok.

  2. There's also rice milk, and hemp milk.  Though personally I can't stomach hemp milk, but some people actually like it.

    Rice milk:

    Hemp Milk:

    Re: SexyBrunetteGoddess >> Silk is just a brand of soy milk.  Nothing special about it.  It's not designed specifically for lactose intolerant people (though any of these milk substitutes are good choices for such people).

  3. There are many "milks" around. From almond that you mentioned to hemp milk, hazelnut milk, rice milk, and even oat milk. Really any grain that is sweet enough can be made into a "milk". A "milk" in this case is just a grain or nut that has soaked in water for awhile, then rinsed to get rid of the enzymes that were on the surface, and then water is added and the grain is blended to the tiniest bits it can get to be. I know that when I made soy milk I had to heat it, while the rice milk I make is not heated (I tried and it twas a mess of gooeyness!).

    Now corn is not in any of these milks, but the carrageen you speak of is a seaweed that is used to "thicken" the milk to make it a creamy texture on the tongue. Most commercial "milks" will have this carrageen in it. You could look at the labels of most milks and find one that doesn't have it. I gave up because I don't like added vitamins and minerals to my milk (I take enough supplements that give me all that I need in addition to the good food I eat as a vegan). I found a really easy "milk" maker called

    I use sweet brown rice to make my rice milk. It comes with instructions, but basically I just soak the rice overnight, drain the water off, add more water, and then blend it. It has a blender inside a screen cup that collects the grain bits, and the leftover "milk" stays in the container while you lift out the screen and blender top. It works really well and I have had mine for 5 years now!

  4. well ive seen commercials for that silk milk.

    but i think its for lactose intolerant people.

    but it might help.

    you could look for organic stuff too.

    thats what my friend does.

  5. no, organic doesn't mean the cows are treated any better; if you eat organic turkey, or beef, or whatever, it just means there's not any chemicals used, so you know you're safe from that.

  6. I don't understand how almonds are related to corn.

    Anyway, she can get rice milk, oat milk, or hemp milk.  Or she can make her own nut milks.  Here are some recipes:

  7. How about rice milk? Here is a link to Rice Dream, a company that produces rice milk and ice cream.

  8. there's also rice milk and oat milk....

  9. Not sure about milk substitutes but far as I know organic produce just means the animal wasn't fed hormones and what not. It wouldn't surprise me if they treated the animals the same way every other company does.

  10. Well when I was not allowed to eat wheat or dairy I had soy milk. Hope this helps.

  11. Like others said, rice milk. Although I'm not sure if it contains carrageen. Mix with Hershey's syrup (mmm, vegan), presto! So delicious.

  12. You could use all the milk everyone said, but I don't think anyone said coconut milk yet. That works great.
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