
Milky liquid coming out of my nipples?

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I have been away out of the country for the summer, and i won't be returning home until mid september, so the doctor isn't a choice right now. But recently I have been having clear liquid coming out of nipples when i squeeze them, and this morning, i touched them gently, and a milky whitish clear liquid came out! Does anybody have any suggestions of what this might be? Pregnancy maybe? This has never ever happened to me before. If it helps..I am a 20 year old female. Thanks so much!




  1. Can I say an early congratulations preferably? Breast only produce milk  when a lady is carrying a baby and getting ready for the process of a baby being born and the baby being breast-fed. I would get a pregnancy test. Doesn't seem like your a Mom, cause any Mom would of known this right of way. But just get seen by a doctor as soon as you can. To see if your carrying a "blessing" around with you.  

  2. That doesn't mean you are pregnant--I disagree with all the other poster. I doubt you're pregnant given that you have no other signs, and it would be weird to be lactating this early in a pregnancy, anyway. It sounds to me more like a hormone imbalance. You should see a gynecologist when you get home, and figure out what this is. Sounds like galactorrhea. You can read more about it here: http://medical-dictionary.thefreediction...

  3. all you can do if you can't go to a Doctor is check if your pregnant but if you go to a docter GO

  4. If you have missed your period more than likely u are pregnant and lactating.

  5. your b*****s could be producing milk? just my guess

    and the people who say you have to be pregnant to produce milk are wrong....they don't have any idea what they are talking about

    There were nurses 100 years ago that breastfed children who were NOT their own and they were NOT breastfeeding their own children.

    Also, adoptive mothers are able to breastfeed by stimulation. Stimulation ALONE CAN make the hormones active!!! The more he does it, the more milk your b*****s will make!

  6. ???

  7. Could you be prego?  That would explain it.  The only time I had liquid coming from there, i was pregnant.  Is it sweet in taste?

  8. take an over the counter preg. test.

  9. Yeah, get a pregnancy test.

  10. This happened to me also but it doesn't mean you are pregnant~stop squeezing them and it will stop.

  11. If you've been having s*x.

    You're preggers.

  12. If you have never been pregnant or nursing, nipple discharge is a symptom that a doctor needs to really look at.  

    When was your last menstrual period?  But even if you are extremely newly pregnant, your body does not start making colostrum til much further into pregnancy.  

    Out of the country or not, I would find a doctor.  

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