
Millbank Brennan in form for bagging the Stadium Bookmakers Maiden Stayers at Oxford

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Millbank Brennan in form for bagging the Stadium Bookmakers Maiden Stayers at Oxford
The Stadium Bookmakers Maiden Stayers has assembled some really successful contestants at Oxford who will race over 595 metres flat on Thursday, 14th June. The £150 event will be contested by Shelbourne Cheri, Dippy Josie, Millbank Brennan, Five
Alley Pub, Goa Girl and Ace Romeo.
Millbank Brennan, College Causeway’s two-year-old black and white son out of b***h, Droopys Leona, is the most reliable candidate. His racing career shot off with a third position in a 382 yards race on 8th February.
He did not wait for long to prove himself and that too he did by striking a hat trick through the next three races. On 7th April he won a 450 metres race at Oxford which he settled in 27.41 seconds and led the runner up of the race, Future Mixture,
by five lengths.
He then bagged a 450 metres race at Oxford on 14th April. This time he took 27.41 seconds to reach the other end of the wire and led by 1 ¼ lengths.
He struck hat trick on 21st April at Oxford over 450 metres by reaching the other end of the wire in 27.57 seconds and led the runner up, Silkmore Sunset, by four lengths.
He could not extend the hat trick as the next four races were a failure, a fourth position and three second scores.
On 25th May he won a Grade A2 450 metres flat race by timing the track distance in 27.40 seconds and led the 5/2 favourite runner up, Glencorbry Haka, by 1 ¾ lengths.
He was done racing in 27.54 seconds and was soon followed by On Offer.
He then won a 595 metres race on 28th May at Oxford by making it to the other end of the wire in 36.68 seconds. He led the runner up of the race, Reagrove Dream, by an amazing twelve lengths.
The two-year-old failed to strike a hat trick as he scored second in a Grade A2 450 metres flat race at Oxford. The race was won by Grogeen Lodge in 27.36 seconds while leading by just half a length.
Settling third was Lively Travel.
He has the chances of making an impact tonight.
The views expressed in this article are the writer's own and in no way represent's official editorial policy.


  • The Coral Maiden Stayers final
    STAND UP won the Coral On TV Maiden Stayers final at Romford on Friday with a blinding turn of early pace.
    Posted: 11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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