
Million $ Question: If you were stranded on an island for 20 days in search of a mystery, what would you eat?

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It was a desert and there was nothing to eat. You couldn't even bring your own food from home.




  1. you dig a hole place you shirt or leaves to where water could drip downward. then you collect the water in a shell. The evaporation will give you fresh water. not alot but enough to survive. You also need to give more information. The island could not be just sand , it would have been covered in water or the sand would washed away. If their is a rock formation under neath, you would have coral and fish life. You would not survive long with out shelter from the sun. 20 Days maybe , depends on what season and where the locations is located.

  2. ummmm food on the island like fruit no bugs

  3. Hmm... well since its a desert, there would be no fruit.

    So I would cut cacti down and eat the flesh from inside it. Plus cacti hold water, so there is plenty to drink. Late at night is when all the critters come out. So there are reptiles, and plenty of bugs to put over a fire. Plus larger mammals come out at night as well.

    I would hate every second believe me, but you gotta do what u gotta do to stay alive.


  4. No you imbeciles are all wrong in 30 seconds I discovered what to eat but I don't like it

    My Fecal matter or myself

    I perfer human

  5. I would eat fish!  It's an island right?!!??!

  6. there are still plants on a desert island. I'd hope some of them were edible. Other than that, maybe something from the sea: seaweed, fish or crustaceans, molluscs.

  7. Well, this seems simple enough.   If there was nothing to eat, I wouldn't eat anything.   It would appear that I would have found the mystery on the first day, so I wouldn't have to wait the entire 20 days, I could be back before lunch.

  8. Fish from the near by ocean and coconuts (if any) and start to purify the ocean water so I can have some to drnk YUM

  9. I would indeed fish, and since it's a desert island, there is a good chance that there might be coconut trees. maybe. If not, then there has to be something.

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