
Millions of kids are going to die this year in third world countries. Why aren't people talking more about?

by Guest55829  |  earlier

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  1. How is sitting around talking about it going to help?  We all know it's there, but we feel helpless to do anything about it.  

    Even Bill Gates couldn't afford to feed all those starving people for one day.  

  2. No - really, the global government wants to decrease the population, so they do not focus on this.  If they did, there would just be that many more starving people who breed more starving people.  That is how they look at it, and statistically, they are correct.  It still doesn't make it right.

  3. because it makes people feel guilty. like the ones who die of starvation, well people don't want to hear about it over a nice big buffet dinner, they'll feel bad.

  4. because some people actually think its none of our business. they think if we just keep to ourselves then more money would be saved. i think we should always talk and help out. because one day we may be in the same position.

    its things like Britney Spears and Paris Hilton that dominate the media. room for world hunger

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