
Millions of people tragically died for this country (U.K.) and the government acts like this....?

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I just find it incredibly ironic that Hitler's army used almighty force to try and penetrate our defences and we defended our country and won against all odds.

What Hitler didn't realise was this; In order to invade and conquer the U.K. you don't actiually need any weapons at all. You just have to get your whole army to get visas.

Then they move in, have children and apply for british citizenship.

Once they have the right to vote they will have a say in the way the country is run and start to have laws changed etc.

(our government is already encouraging employers to recruit from ethnic backgrounds rather than british people)

Once they outnumber us they then have the majority vote and an immigrant has a good chance of running for the position of prime minister.

Once in power the country is theirs. How can our government even allow this to be a possibility?

Would ANY other country in the world be this bloody stupid and actually favour immigrants over their own people??




  1. Uhhh!!! Have you ever heard of America??? I so happen to live in America (specifically New York) and I find this question a bit racist. My country is diverse and thrives through this diversity. Without the assistance of foreign immigrants, our country wouldn't be as interesting and successful. You and Hitler should  hold hands and become butt buddies. :( I thought that in 2008, we have conquered this adversity. I guess not.

  2. The irony of your post is that -- while you start out bemoaning the fact that your country successfully deflected Hitler, but that it is now being "invaded" by different races -- it is amazingly LIKE THE FÜHRER'S point of view!!!

    See the larger picture: Hitler believed in racial superiority, genocide and hated minorities as "impure." What you are expressing is much closer to Hitler than Churchill or the Allies believed.

  3. What you are saying is stupid. Britain was in no danger of being invaded by germans before ourselves and France decided to declare war on Germany to make it withdraw from Poland, something that most people had no interest in, and most did not care.

    It was because our stupid leaders thought the French army was the best in Europe,and between us the war whicgh started in September would all be over by Christmas. ReallY?

    You say that WE defended our country, but YOU were not there and have probably never been in the armed forces.Most of us that WERE there were forced to by consciption,and refusal to fight would have meant being shot dead. That is why British Officers and military police carried revolvers, to shoot our own if they would not fight. The war was about a threat to British trade,and tha tis all,. Exactly the same as WW!, and more millions killed.

    As in WW! we were saved by the entrance of the Americans into the War.Without them we would have starved and lost.

    At least one good thing came out of it.  We were able to weed out all the fascist racists from this country and hang a lot of them, and we will, never let them back. and for your information, more than 8 out of every 10 people in the UK is comes from Immigrants including trhe entire 'English' who invated from Germany along with the Danes and the Saxons, so unless your an ancient Brit like me, whose familyn name is in the domesday book, you are an immigrant too, and a poor example of one, so why don't you get on your bike and take your n**i views back to Germany and stay there..

  4. if you didn't mention the U.K. and Hitler I would've thought you were speaking of the U.S.

  5. A. Your Probably a Racist

    B. You were just fired from your low wage job for sleeping on the job and you express your anger by blaming it on immigrants

    C. You have no idea what happened in WWII and what were Hitlers ideal and your just spouting nonsense you heard during your white supremacy meeting.

    D. Your an idiot for even allowing yourself to put this hate speech on the net

  6. I'm American, and it seems as if my government is just as stupid as yours. It is time for the real Americans and people like you to unite against this evil threat to our nations. We must wake up and smell the jihad...!

  7. In Scotland we can't say 'blackboard' anymore cause apparently it's racist. We aren't allowed blackboards anymore either. Also, t here was an article released the other day stating that there had been research done in the UK that said that kids who say "yuck" to foreign food are racist.

  8. Um..ever been to the US? Our Government has been giving away our country for a hundred years. I feel your pain.

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