
Millsberry Users. Help Me Please..?

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Could some of you tell me how to finish the white belt quest.

I found the address of Robert J. Williams but I still can't figure out how to complete the quest. I will really appriciate it. Thank you.




  1. 1.Go to the post office (

    2.Click on 'Send a Greeting' (

    3.Click on 'Thank You' (

    4.Click on either thank you cards (

    5.Type in the 'Send' box robertjwilliams or 31052 Pond Road, Lakeview

    6.Click on 'Send Greeting!'

    7.Go to the Dojo (

    8.Click on Hidaka Sensei (the person on the right)

    You should now have your yellow belt, if not then your stats (health, strength, ect.) up high enough or you have not completed enough classes (the game, Black Belt Karate-

  2. OK so now you:

    Go to the Post Office.

    Send him any type of "Thank You" Card. [ To robertjwilliams ]

    Report back to your Sensei.

    Make sure you have your classes at 100% and you have your stats all green! Then you move onto your next belt.

    Good luck. (:

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