Milwaukee Brewers' Corey Hart misses second consecutive game – MLB News
The Milwaukee Brewers' first baseman Corey Hart missed the second consecutive game on Tuesday, September 11, after he injured his leg on Sunday against the St. Louis Cardinals. The club has decided to go for the option of fitting him with custom foot support on Wednesday in an effort to relieve the pain.
That will also allow him to play in the days to come as the Brewers are working hard for a better end this season after the recent slump they have witnessed. Hart, importantly, went for pre-game swings in the batting cage on Tuesday.
Whether Hart will be able to play or not is something that he has left to the medical staff. The club, understandably, does not want to take any risk given the instrumentality and significance of the player as far as the offence is concerned.
"I think I can tolerate it, but it's not going to go away," He said. "I'm trying to find the right tape job, the right insert. I'm trying to get myself back in the lineup, but I'm obviously not going to be running very quick right now.”
But he wants to try to play given the fact that the club is in the standings.
He added, "I already have a tear in there. I think right now we want to get all the initial swelling out so I can get back on the field, and if I fully tear it, I fully tear it. We're so close to the end right now, and where we are [in the standings], I want to try to play.”
Hart knows the risks involved in it. If he goes to play against the medical advice, it will make things worse for him. That will also potentially affect his offseason as well.
All said, team manager Ron Roenicke hopes that Hart might appear in Friday’s game to enable the offence to perform well. The Brewers are left with 20 more games this season. The team which went into the National League Championship Series the past year has not been able to perform up to the mark this season.