
Milwaukee Brewers to focus more on hitting in the series against Houston Astros – MLB News

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Milwaukee Brewers to focus more on hitting in the series against Houston Astros – MLB News
The Milwaukee Brewers manager Ron Roenicke said on Wednesday, August 8, that the hitting has to be more aggressive in the days to come to elevate the team in the Division. He was referring to the upcoming three-game series against the Houston Astros scheduled to start Friday.
The Brewers will enter the Friday’s series after having a six-game winning streak, the last of which ended on Wednesday wherein the Brewers swept the series against the Cincinnati Reds. While the overall performance of the team was satisfactory, Ron Roenicke wants the hitting to be more aggressive. He also talked about what actually causes potential trouble for the offence.
"I think when we are hitting well as a team, I think we're aggressive on the pitches we need to be aggressive on," Roenicke said. "But I think when we go bad, I think we start swinging at pitches that aren't good pitches to hit, and we get ourselves in trouble. Either behind in the count or we put a first ball in play that we don't square up well. And I think we get in a lot of trouble that way.”
The Milwaukee Brewers aggressiveness against the Reds helped them enormously - as could be seen. The team remained triumphant in the three-game series at a time when it had not been faring particularly well lately.
It could be judged from the fact that the Brewers stood fourth in the National League Central ranking, being preceded by the St. Louis Cardinals, Pittsburgh Pirates and the Cincinnati Reds.
However, the recent streak – of the six games, will be of great help to reinstate the confidence and inspirit the team to get on the rivals in the league. Consistency, as the Milwaukee Brewers' manager Ron Roenicke put, will be key for success.
With the knack of winning the close games, the Brewers have revived the hopes that they would be able to do better and make it to the playoffs somehow. After all, the team had done it only last year with remarkable success, making it to the National League Championship Series.



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