
Milwaukee Rail System?

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Dose anybody think milwaukee will have a Light Rail System in the near futer? dose anybody think the "Milwaukee Connecter" will ever get reborn and pass through?




  1. I rather doubt it.  I know that Watts guy has been pushing for it, but for whatever reason, others don't seem to want it.

  2. I think Milwaukee will.  First, the Kenosha-Racine-Milwaukee line will be built, then the politicians in the Milwaukee area will see how much of a success that will be and decide that it will be time for light rail.  Everyone says the problem is money...That is incorrect... the problem is certain people with power.  For example;

    -some people say rail transit will hurt the poor.  Well the people cutting the bus service and at the same time raising the fares is you guessed it, hurting the poor.

    -some people think rail transit is expensive.  Thats completely fake.  A wide freeway is more expensive and more destructive than a single or double rail line.  An interchange reconstruction gets very expensive with all of the bridges/tunnels/resources being used.

    The problem with the Milwaukee Connector is that the technology that people want to use is a trackless trolley type system.  I think that is the wrong way to go especially for a city that, last time i checked has WINTER.  Buses do get stuck and sometimes an entire bus system shuts down do to snow, whereas a train can keep on going.  Milwaukee would benefit from a starter train system, then the bus system should be built around that.

    Keep in mind that rail transit was first before cars and buses.

  3. It would be nice for Milwaukee no doubt. but I have not herd any thing about it for 1 to 3 years ago when some one was taking some Metra cars from Chicago.

    but what I'm hoping for is some more Amtrak trains to the area like a train to Madison and Green Bay would be nice before 2050 or some thing like that.

  4. I'm not familiar with this particular project but in cities all across America and the world there are commuter systems being put in place, some are replacing lines that were foolishly torn out years ago and some are being built anew as needs arise.

    More and bigger highways are never the long term solution, there is not enough land and money in the world to supply all the needs.

    In south Florida they have realized this and are actually tearing up one lane of highways in some places and putting in commuter rail systems.

    So without knowing your particulars, all I can say is I hope so, eventually it will be needed and a forward thinking populace will do it now as opposed to the future when the need and expense is even greater.
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