
Mind games??

by  |  earlier

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can someone please tell me why SOME guys play mind games with girls?? is it because they like the girl and they play these games to see if the girl likes them back??? or is it something else?? explain please...thanks




  1. There are many reasons why a person would play mind games.  One reason is to see how another person feels about them, yet they have no intention of exposing their own feelings.

    All mind games are a way to stay safe, get information, and not risk vulnerability.  Some play mind games out of immaturity or meanness, not realizing or caring that they are hurting someone.

  2. AAACTUALLY, its is the woman that  plays the mind games. and if it appears the other way around it is only a headstart. women don't play the game, they ARE the game.

  3. I think Eryc is correct when he states that it is the woman that play mind games.  My experience is that men can't win because when we stop praising a woman she things we don't love her anymore; keep it up, and she will think she's too good for us.

    Someone once said: "Depend on woman to see the defects of a man of talent and the merits of a fool."

  4. Well it depend how they are acting well I'm not sure, but you can go find out more by talking to game. Yes sometime mind game are used to get someone.
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