
Mind question?

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Why do poeple get hooked on drugs, p**n, achool, smoking?




  1. Boredom, experimentation, turned into addiction....

  2. They get a little taste of it, and then they want more...

  3. Addiction is a neurological disease.

    People start off doing it because they enjoy it. Doing these things releases chemicals into the brain which cause pleasant feelings (drugs — which includes alcohol and smoking — contain chemicals that cause this and the body releases its own chemicals in the case of pornography because the body is being stimulated).

    However, after doing this for a while (just because it's enjoyable) the brain starts to get used to those chemicals being there. This leads to the brain getting needing those chemicals to stay chemically balanced. Hence, if you try to give up an addiction it's very hard because you're brain is struggling without the chemicals now.


  4. it's a temporary escape from responsibilities it numbs the senses keeps people from feeling pain, shame or guilt.  the human mind takes up these temporary pursuits in an effort to escape present problems, remember all these are mood altering activities, meant to be outlets, which will manifest themselves overtime into addiction.

  5. Coz they like it. Dont 4get chocolate!

  6. It's a pleasant escape from reality.  But it leads to individual short term pursuits of hedonistic pleasure that are harmful for the persons future.

  7. I think people get hooked on those things because they are weak.  Most people allude to addictive personalities but I think anyone could get addicted to anything if they let themselves.

  8. Because some people like to experience stimulative, illusory, different and new things even though those things are not necessarily good for people.

  9. Drugs, smoking and alcohol are physically addictive. Eventually people take the drugs, use alcohol or tobacco not to feel good, but to keep from feeling bad. I have no idea beyond its just being a bad habit why people get hung up on p**n.

  10. comfort i think and lonelyness and stress and having a low self worth

  11. beacause deir addictive once u start u cant stop

  12. The ego needs more.  We have a terrible tendency to establish that we are MORE as people when we can consume or do more.

    Since we are poisoned to think it's okay to live in the future (...things will be okay once I do this or that...) and in the past (...things were better when I used to do this or that...) it's easy to be so thoroughly disconnected from now.  Therefor, to try and reconnect we consume, have casual s*x, drink, and smoke.

    I work in a bar.  Sometimes the only glimmer of presence I see in a customer's eyes happens right before they vomit.  They realize, "Ah, here I am and I have gone too far."  

    Of course, meditation and exercise and the discipline of spirit are wonderful ways of avoiding these problems.

  13. to get away from the bad things in life lol i dont know it stupid though:))maybe becasue they have bad relationships and do bad things to try and feel better:)
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