
Mind reading???

by  |  earlier

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does any1 no how to always no wat number someones thinking of. Like is there a trick to it. To get ppl to think your reading there mind. Dont send ones ith the adding and subtracting plz ty.




  1. no thank you, I had mine read yesterday.

  2. I almost had to use mind-reading to understand your question! Basically you'd need to learn some basic magic tricks to accomplish would I think you're asking. Of course you're not really reading their minds, but using sleight-of-hand deception to make it seem like you did. It's very impressive when I see magicians doing this and I always have a hard time figuring out just how they did it.

  3. lmao Good luck with that one.

  4. there is no trick really, i beleive its intuition.

  5. ok i no!

    the person u put ur fingers on is ur assistant.

    she asks someone a number while ur away.

    u come back and put ur fingers on her forhead.

    she clenches her teeth to the number.

    say its 72. she clenches 7 times, pauses, then does 2 clenches. she'll stop completely when shes done.

    while shes doing this talk or something so the audience doesnt get suspicious. hope this works for ya! it always does for me.

  6. I don't think there's anyone on here who's going to "perform for you..or anyone....and if they're "tricksters"...they probably wouldn't tell you their secrets.
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