
Mind translating some italian?

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Neutre? impartial? Naah! Sto andando uccider voi idiota. Slur...




  1. It's not really perfectly grammatically correct. It's like a literal translation from English so it's not great Italian but here it is:

    Neutral? Impartial? Nahhh! I am going to kill you, idiot. Slur..

    I don't know what slur means. It is not Italian! Hope it helps :)

  2. The first two words are not Italian, they are English. The rest is barely Italian...

    "Neutre? Impartial? Naah! I'm going to kill you idiot. Slur..."

    Makes no sense, grammatically.

    "Sto andando" is "I'm going," as in "I'm going to the store," not "I'm going to kill you."

    "Voi" is the plural you ("y'all"), but "idiota" is singular. The writer should have chosen either "tu idiota" or "voi idiote."

    Whoever wrote this is probably an English speaker, and not too familiar with Italian.

  3. first 2 words are english. the sentance is full of italian WORDS but not grammatically correct.

    here is the sentence in understandable italian:

    Ti ucciderò, idiota che sei.

    that is the correct way to say it.  and here's the translation:

    I'm going to kill you, idiot/idiot that you are.

  4. Uh... strange...

    If it's italian, this is the correct phrase:

    "Neutrale? (Neutre doesn't mean anything and neutro means something which is not female or male O.o) Imparziale? Noo! (An italian doen't say Naaah... this typical english) Sto per uccidere voi, idiota! or Ho intenzione di uccidere voi, idiota! (with the comma it becomes a vocativ...)

    so the translation is: Neutral? Impatial? Naaah! I'm going to kill you, idiot!

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