
Mini Gelding OR Pony I'm Also Getting A Donkey. So which would go better? Also which is nicer?

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Mini Gelding OR Pony I'm Also Getting A Donkey. So which would go better? Also which is nicer?




  1. Ponies can be stubborn, so a mini or gelding would probably be a better choice.

  2. Go better with what?  Fries?

    If you mean which combination would get along better, I don't really think it matters.  That is, it depends on the horse or pony's individual disposition, and of course the disposition of the donkey!  Some donkeys can be quite bossy and alpha, so keep an eye on your gelding.

  3. If I had to choose I'd pick the gelding...They are very good horses! but thats also coming from someone who don't like donkeys...mules...soso. Ponies thier good horses too but that depends on what your wanting them ride I wouldn't but to pull things or just to have they'd be good pets, but thats just my opinion. But I've had lots of geldings and everyone of them was awesome horses.

  4. That's like asking somebody if they'd rather have cheesecake or German Chocolate.

    A true little mini is going to be more limited in use.  Ponies are bigger, so you have more options.

    Either choice will get along with a donk, or they won't.  It's purely speculative until you get the individuals together.

    Nicer?  Heck, I like them all.  I'd have a field full if I could afford it...and if my hubs would survive the apoplexic episode if I brought another home.  The four minis I took to re-home had a laxative effect on him when he came out and saw them.

  5. I would get a pony over a mini since the pony can actually be used for something if you decide to.  You might not think so now, but if you have kids, grandkids, neices/nephews, or a close relationship with your neighbors, someone might want to ride one day, or you might decide to try driving.  I also think most ponies are cuter, since minis can look dwarfish, and tend to get huge bellies.

    As far as personality, you will find the whole range from nasty to sweet in both minis and ponies.  Temperment should be one of the main things you look for when you go shopping.  A more easygoing pony or mini will also have an easier time getting used to a donkey.

  6. I would say it would be best to get a gelding. minis can have quite the attitude, and mares are much more likely to have an attitude than geldings. i've also found that my geldings get along much better with each other horses than mares do.

  7. I have a donkey.  I just love him!  I just started him driving and he is soooo smart.  Much smarter and sensible than any horse I've ever had.  If you get a donkey, get a gelding.  The jennets tend to be moody and the jacks tend to be bold and pushy.  I had purchased my donkey as a 5 year old jack 2 years ago and recently had him gelded.  He was completely unschooled.  I purchased the cart and harness beginning of June and he has been pulling the cart since mid July and doing great.  My friend started her pony mare at the same time and she still can't get her to pull the cart without freaking out.

    Since I had my donkey gelded he gets along very well with my big horses.  I couldn't put him out with the horses until then because he was too aggressive towards them.  A big consideration if you get the donkey.

  8. Minis ARE ponies!  Many are registered with one of the mini registries and the Shetland pony club.  Most minis if you look back on their papers far enough came from unregistered stock.  Most of those were Shetlands that lost their papers when the registry changed type in the 1960's and all Shetlands had to be re-registered.  So, mini or pony, same thing.  There are good, great, and not so good animals of every size.  

    Now, be aware that some ponies do NOT like donkeys.  The first time the donkey brays the pony may go through the fence!  Make sure they have plenty of time to get used to one another before you put them together.

    We raised pony mules for a number of years and I know from personal experience what happens when one equine species meets another for the first time.

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