
Mini Roundabouts - Am I right in saying you give way to the right or to anyone opposite you turning right?

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I failed my driving test recently, with 1 minor & 1 serious. My serious was for holding up traffic. I got to a mini roundabout and froze, my mind went blank. I know you give way to the right but I seemed incapable of remembering. So this is just to clarify. Give way to the right & people opposite you wanting to turn right? ....right?




  1. You give way to your immediate right anyone opposite dos'nt really count , anyone actually on the roundabout first  has right of way, I've been drivin 40yrs and thats how I see it and it's never got me in any trouble, Regards.

  2. Absolutely correct - traffic to your right has priority on all roundabouts. Not sure what you mean by opposite you - but if they are already on the roundabout then they have right of way.

  3. Yes - you are correct.

    If there is someone waiting opposite you wanting to turn right accross you then you give way to them.

  4. You are give way to anyone already on the roundabout, also anyone on your right and anyone opposite you at the juction wanting to turn right - across your path.  

    If you imagine a clock.....making it simple you give way to anyone using the roundabout from the 12 0'clock position as above.

  5. You treat it like a normal roundabout. Give way to traffic from the right,if they have approached the roundabout before you. I.E they are waiting to enter the roundabout.

    One thing to mention though is that on a mini roundabout it is an offence to drive over it. I.E the white mound in the middle . you can even get a ticket for it!! crazy I know!

  6. To remove all gueswork and assumptions (which some of the people seem to be doing). Here's the extract from the Highway Code.

    Section 188

    Mini-roundabouts. Approach these in the same way as normal roundabouts. All vehicles MUST pass round the central markings except large vehicles which are physically incapable of doing so. Remember, there is less space to manoeuvre and less time to signal. Avoid making U-turns at mini-roundabouts. Beware of others doing this.

    [Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD regs 10(1) & 16(1)]

    In other words - you treat them exactly the same as any other roundabout. Give way to traffic already on the roundabout. If you wait for vehicles opposite you to move then you'll be sat there all day.

  7. Treat just like a normal roundabout (it's only the size) and give way to people already on it and to the right

  8. Mini rounderbouts are the same as large rounderbouts give way to traffic from the right in all cases,on a normal carriageway traffic wanting to turn right do not have priority,some of your answerers could do with refresher course,traffic approaching a rounderbout opposite you and indicating to turn right have priority.


  9. Just be thankful you're not taking your test on the Swindon Magic Roundabout (that's really it's name!). See pic below (click on "arial" for full effect).

  10. Treat it like a full size roundabout ie give way to the right and do not drive over the mini roundabout as a lot of plonkers tend to do.

  11. just treat it as a normal roundabout

  12. We have a mini roundabout by us with 3 exits and it causes all sorts of problems people just don't seem to know who to give way to. You give way to the right, if they are opposite they are classed as your right so yes you give way to them too.

    Nothing more annoying than when someone gets in the right hand lane to go straight across...argh...the right hand lane is for turning right only!!!!

  13. You treat it like an ordinary roundabout.  Anybody on the roundabout has priorty, then you just enter the roundabout when it is clear!

    You do not have to give way to anybody not already on the roundabout.

  14. You give way to traffic on the roundabout and to the right on all roundabouts.

  15. Yes you always give way to the right..

    Good luck and drive safe.

  16. You give way to the right on a mini roundabout

  17. It's like a normal roundabout. Give way to the right..

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