
Mini Yorkshiere Terrier or Yorkshiere Terrier?

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Hey people of Yahoo!

The name is Keisha. A friend (or so you could say) and I from work are having a "debate". It'd be wonderful if anyone can help solve this issue.

If I'm wrong..well, then I'm a n00b. But the thing is, she wants to get a "mini" Yorkshire terrier when she has a child and no husband..and lives with parents. Why would she buy such an expensive dog when she already has money troubles?! Sorry. XD That had nothing to do with it, however, the dog part does.

I own a Yorkshire Terrier, which is a toy dog, the same size as a chiwawa (however that's spelled). I know this because I've had a chiwawa along with the yorkshire terrier I have now. Now, she told me this, "I want to get a mini yorkie." I said "There's no such thing, trust me, I own one." she said, "they're the same size as a chiwawa" and I said "My yorkshire terrier is the same size as a chiwawa and she isn't a mini." So from that point, it was bad. Then a regular customer came in who knows a lot of dogs and agreed with me.

Now it is yahoo people's turn to decide. Is there such thing as mini yorkies or is that just a myth? Thanks guys!

<3~<3Much Appreciated<3~<3




  1. Maybe she&#039;s referring to what crappy breeders are pushing as &quot;Teacup&quot;

    (which are nothing more than undersized, below standard dogs, just a fancy name to sell poor quality pups for a higher $).

    But to answer your question, NO, there is no such thing as a Mini Yorkshire Terrier. They are a Toy breed period.

  2. I think your friend is right about size. I have seen Yorkshire Terrier&#039;s (full grown) that range from very little 3lbs to rather large at 6 to 7 lbs. I think the name is &quot;Tea Cup&quot;, or &quot;extra small&quot;. I think it depends on the parents. Are they different breeds? I don&#039;t know, but they do come in small and large. And, if you want a small one you should check out the parents. Hope this helps.

  3. There is no such thing as a mini yorkie. Just the runt of the litter under a special name.

    Also, if she&#039;s having money troubles, how will she afford:

    vet, shots, toys, food, etc??

    Tell her to PLEASE wait until she is more stable to get a dog. Right now it&#039;s a disaster waiting to happen.

  4. A normal sized Yorkshire Terrier. There aren&#039;t any &quot;mini&#039;s&quot; it&#039;s just inbreeding. Yuck. ]:

    I&#039;m sure a Yorkshire Terrier is small don&#039;t want a smaller dog..cause there&#039;s problems with them, like how their windpipe is too small and the organs can&#039;t all fit into the body..etc.. it&#039;s a big heartbreaking thing..people just don&#039;t realize because whenever they see these pooches, they immediately fall in love with them .

    Stick to a Regular Normal Sized Yorkshire Terrier, from a REPUTABLE breeder, or adopt ! :D

    Good Luck ! :D

  5. No such thing only a puppy mill or BYB trying to sell a poorly bred runt.  

  6. There is only one AKC Yorkie and that is the Yorkishire Terrier.

    Mini Yorkies are basically poorly bred runts.  

  7. The breed standard for a Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkie) is 4 to 7 pounds.  Here is the AKC website page:

    Anything smaller is just an unscrupulous breeder trying to capitalize on the demand for smaller dogs.  A reputable breeder will only be concerned with promoting the breed, the breed standard, and breeding healthy animals without passing along genetic defaults.

    Extra small dogs come with extra big health problems.  I know.  I have a 3-pound rescue Yorkie.  Some greedy breeder was breeding this little thing, which is dangerous.  Plus, she has luxating patellas, which are hereditary, horrible teeth, and has just been diagnosed with encephalitis.

    Tell your friend the vet bill so far is over $2500.  So if she has money troubles, try to steer her away from this type of dog.  Buying the dog is the cheap part.  Caring for it for 12 to 18 years and paying for regular medical and crisis care is very expensive.

    Bottom-line:  Neither the AKC, nor any reputable breeder or owner, recognizes any other label - not &quot;mini&quot;, &quot;teacup&quot;, &quot;tiny&quot;, etc.  Just a Yorkie.  That is all there is.

  8. mini yorkies are just a scam!

  9. There is no such thing as a mini yorkie. It is a standard Yorkshire Terrier and just like all dogs sometimes there are runts and stay a smaller size...

  10. There is no official &quot;mini yorkie&quot;.  Breeders have discovered that people love little dogs though.  Therefore they are breeding using smaller and small dogs. These tiny sized dogs have now gotten the nick name &quot;mini yorkies.&quot; Its not a different dog. Its just been bred different then the bigger yorkies.

  11. No there is no such thing it is a myth and a scam Thait people use to make you think there is and make you spend even more money. &quot;Teacups&quot; is what they are called. They are basically the runts of the litter bred into even smaller sickly dogs! SO to answer your question there&#039;s no such thing. isnt a yorkie small enough as it is???

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