
Mini fridge??????????????

by  |  earlier

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where can i buy a mini fridge like a big store like target walmart amazon...not like a bad site..i just want one for my room to store like a monster and a few sodas. and it has to be cheap like 50 bucks and under. a link will help a lot =] 10 pts




  1. Wal-Mart and Target have them, so does Best Buy.  Even Sears, that's where I got mine for college back in 1990.  I got the biggest dorm fridge they had for right at $100 delivered.  They're still cheap, but buy it in person to save the delivery charge.  Another idea is to try your local yahoo freecycle group.  Someone might be giving one away, or you could post asking for's free and all you have to do is pick it up!

    P.S.  It's a good investment, I still have my old mini-fridge and now it houses my husband's beer.  Sears was a good investment.

  2. The cheapest one that i can find is 90 bucks and that isnt bad considering what you are asking for.

  3. Well the cheapest one i found was this one at walmart. $39.98

    It has Really bad reviews though so it would not be my choice.

    I found this one for $62.62 at walmart.

    Has great reviews but over your budget. You won't find one under $50 if you want your drinks cold.

  4. yeah they have ones at walmart for $50- $75 that arent bad at all. this ones $100 but ive seen way cheaper at the stores. the $50 one on the site is like really small.

  5. walmart always has low prices

  6. it's great at walmart. make a keggerrator : D

  7. I just bought one on amazon its good size about $70 it could fit good amount of stuff Walmart was all out due to college students. I go with amazon

  8. go to walmart. there are some around that price. if you get one on the internet you will have to pay for shipping which will be alot on that cause it will be heavy

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