
Miniature Horse Questions!?

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First of all I have a friend with 4 miniature horses. I would like to see them win some ribbons.

1. How can I get these cuties back in shape? Yes I am light enough to ride them and am currently training them just the basics (Bending, gaits, turn, draw reins, stop, etc...) I cant ride them too much otherwise I would wear them out to much.

2. Can you show a miniature horse in a little Halter class?

If so how do you train and prepare (grooming)?

3. Any tips on pulling a really thick miniature horse mane? Do you just reccomend cutting it?

Thanks so much!

:) Have a great day :)




  1. You should not be riding minis.  They're not built to carry weight.  

    I would send them off for driving training and then exercise them with a cart.

    Honestly I don't pull manes.   Thinning shears are one easy pain-free way of thinning the mane.

  2. As far as grooming I would not cut or pul the mane. If you must just pull a little. They are known for the bushy manes. Clip them just as a normal horse. You could lunge them to get them into shape as well. Watch what ya feed them they tend to over eat.

  3. Usually exercise of minis is done on a walker or by pulling a cart.

    Yes, there are a number of halter classes for minis.  Minis are also showed in showmanship, trail class, jumping (both in hand), liberty, costume, driving, just to name a few.  They are typcially groomed much like you would a big horse.  The more QH looking minis are groomed like a QH with a shorter bridle path and the more Arab looking minis are groomed more like Arabs with a longer bridle path.  They are also set up similar to their big horse counterparts.

    Usually minis are shown with a full thick mane that is not pulled, shortened, or thinned.  Just clip the bridle path area.

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