
Minimum lung function ?

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Okay dad has lung problems and I have searched every where trying to find the answer to this question....He has 18% of his lungs working...what is the minium percent your lungs can go down to before they no longer function. ( meaning most likely death) ....I know it is a craz question...but his lung function is going down and down rapidly...

Thanks so much




  1. It's not a crazy question, Crystal.  I'm at 20%. know and correspond with people in the 16-19% range.  Gal at 16% currently in hospital to get a transplant and she is having a heckuvva time.  Is he strill smoking?  Any chance at all he can get a transplant?  18% fairly functional but my guess is  on 02  24/7 and even with 02 he is SOB (short of breath) before he gets to the am I.  Is he on prednisone maintenance?  That should help some, it does me, but just getting up from the couch gives me SOB if I move too forcefully or too quickly.  For absolute trustworthy facts, go to the authoritative source for specific information.  It's free, I have survived three years beyond my former doctor's stupid prediction for which I fired him for making btw.  If you are his caretaker, I cannot urge you enough to join this site as well as you will be able to chat with fellow caretakers whom can help you deal with this as well and he definitely needs to go there.  I have heard you can arrest or at least slow down the destruction by quitting smoking at any age.  Continue smoking and he can expect to lose 2-3% of lung function per year, but he can maintain pretty well at his present level, probably needs a scooter if he doesn't have one, I am delaying mine because I don't have the health insurance.  Best of luck and God Bless you both.

  2. Lung Function Regulated By Circadian Rhythms; Exercise And Respiratory Treatments May Be Best In Afternoon

    ScienceDaily (Oct. 29, 2004) — Circadian rhythms, the body's biological processes that repeat in 24-hour cycles, may have a significant effect on a person's lung function and, ultimately, help determine the best time of day for exercise and the administration of medications and medical procedures

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