
Mining for cold air?

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I am desperate to get it colder, far colder.

I have tried the following things...

Daytime - Windows shut to stop hotter air coming in, curtians closed to block out the sun, air conditioning on maximum, black out blinds open,.doors shut in the house to stop heated room contaminating the air with heat.

Nighttime - Opening all windows, opening all curtians, turning on the extractor fans to suck out hot air which created a current sucking in the cold to equalise the pressue, sucking in the cold by having a fan infront of the windows.

Also the heating switched off at the bioler and the hot water on a lower setting as possible.

No cooking is allowed, I have to eat only cold food to aviod heating up the air.

Can you tell me a way to extract even more coldness out of the hotness?

Snow Man




  1. 1. Your toxin rates are building because you permit no air to get in and you are experiencing hypoxia during the day. This raises your body temp, increasing the inside temp. Pump in outside air to a scuba mask you wear all the time.

    2. Construct an "Ice Builder" which uses your A/C capacity during the night to create ice which is used during the day to extend the load capacity of the A/C. Put the Ice Builder core in the middle of your living space.

  2. Get a bigger AC unit.

    What is the actual room temperature?

    What is your target temperature?

    Where are you located?

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