
Minor Crossing Mexican Border have a few Questions?

by Guest60827  |  earlier

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I'm 17 and I will be going to Tijuana alone in a few months. I will be staying for about three days. (Canada to San Diego to Border to Tijuana) then (Tijuana to Border to San Diego Airport back to Canada)

Does anyone know if there are any new policies concerning minors crossing back over the border?

Is there anything I should bring besides my passport and birth certificate?

I've heard that I need a signed form (parents) where can I find this form?

I am well aware that Tijuana is not the safest place thank you for any concerns but my question is about crossing the border as of 2008 as a minor.




  1. Being a minor, traveling alone, that they would not allow you to cross by yourself.

  2. In other words, you will be crossing two borders!!  I have been to Tijuana, and you are right, it's NOT the best place to visit! and for the life of me, why Tijuana?????  Even as an adult! there are creepy people waiting for people to come over the border for a visit! They will steal your ID papers and anything else they can use!!! NOT SAFE TO GO BY YOURSELF! And if the border guys have any sense, they won't let you cross over!! If you lose your papers, how are you going to get back home?

  3. Yes you can cross by yourself.

    make sure you have your passport or if you're mexican citizen your birth certificate and photo ID, you're 17 so you should have no problem.

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