
Minor car accident, no licsense?

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my best friend took her mothers car out for a spin, her mother left the car keys on the table and i guess she decided to take it out for a spin.

unfortanetly she hit another car on its side, and the car had a dent in it. But her mothers left headlight was totaled. she has no liscense, and had no permission to drive the car...i was in the car with her when it happened..she told me that the police went over there and made a report i guess but no one got arrested...she iz 18. and she wasnt hurt and neither was i ...what will happen now? will the insurance go up? how long will it be till she can get a liscense? i feel so bad cuz i was in the car




  1. You need a better class of friends and waaay better decision making skills.  She may get a letter informing her when to show up for court and they may arrest her there.  In most states she will have to wait until she is 21 and then petition the court for a license.  They usually say no the first few times after stealing a car, etc.

    This insurance will go through the roof and may be canceled.  For sure your friend won't be allowed on that policy.

    You are an accessory to a crime, so watch your mail for that letter from the police.


  3. Bad girl.

    You have a case of implied permissive use, so the insurance will cover the loss unless her mother has her arrested for GTA (grand theft auto).  But she probably won't, or let's hope she won't.

    The very fact that the keys were left on the table where she could access them is "implied permissive use".  Her mother trusted her with the keys, in other words, so in the eyes of the insurance company, her mother implied permission to use the car.  

    I would be very surprised if the insurance company doesn't cancel her.  You would have a very understanding underwriter if they don't.  Start shopping auto insurance.

    There is a police report, but because she has no license, there's no record to put it on.  I can't imagine that this will effect how long it will be before she can get her license.  I doubt they'll arrest or charge her unless the car's owner presses charges.  That would be her mom.

    I wrecked my dad's car when I was 16.  I had a license and there was no police report.  My poor dad drove that wrecked car for years while I was in college until I came back and finished the job by wrecking it again, that time for good.

    Adults usually don't share with teens what complete bone-heads they were when they were young.  I'm 54 now and have wrecked alot of cars.

    Fixed alot of cars too.  

    I hope your moms have some wild 'n crazy memories and remember what it was like to be a bone-headed teen.  I hope they go easy on you both.

  4. As far as i know,this is a question with many different answers,it is really depend on the judgement of yourself,provide a great resource here for reference though.

  5. Sammie, I am not sure what state you are in, but if your friend is in California, she is going to be in some serious trouble.

    States are cracking down hard on unlicensed and uninsured drivers. And with good reason. Many accidents are caused by unlicensed drivers many of which are undocumented immigrants. The problem is these end up costing a tremendous amount of money that goes uncollected. Who ends up paying for this? Taxpayers and also those who do have a license and insurance.

    I realize what your friend did was simply an unfortunate accident. She did something a lot of us have probably done. Taken a parents car for a small joyride. Thank God neither of you were hurt and no pedestrians were injured or killed. She would be looking at some serious jail time.

    I am guessing she is going to have to pay a pretty stiff fine. In California it is upward of $1,000. She may also lose her driving privileges for possibly a year. Even if she didn't have a license, she won't be able to get one for at least a year. She will most certainly get some probation. As far as her mother's insurance, if she has had the insurance for awhile and doesn't have any claims, they might let this slide.  

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