
Minor caught shoplifting but everything was dropped. Am I allowed back in the store?

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I am a minor. I was caught shoplifting from a clothing store a good six months ago. I know... I was wrong and I don't know what I was thinking. That's not the issue. Anyway... The probation officer reviewed my record and completely dropped the case because of my good grades, church involvement, etc. So it was as if it never happened. But at the time of the incident, I had to sign a paper saying I would never go into one of their stores again. If everything was forgotten, do I still have to abide by that? And how would they know? Do they have my picture up on the wall or something? If that is the case, wouldn't they have thousands of pictures to look through? It's a big store.




  1. Nope. You're not allowed for now and evermore. If anything were to transpire and you were there, there would be h**l to pay. Seriously wait until your looks change. Then you can go back.

  2. you could go and take your chances I guess. People have careers where it is there only job to remember people like you.

    to me at least, it doesn't speak well of your character that you would make an agreement in writing only 6 months ago and be willing to break it unilaterally now.

    I am sure the store is cool and has neat stuff and all, but I would rethink it if I were you. If you are such a good student, then speak to a trusted teacher, or if you are so involved at church, then ask someone there for guidance.

  3. I did loss prevention and when it came to minors, or even the adults, it was hard to remember the face. To be on the safe side, I would never go to the store that you got caught in... it is illegal to take a picture of a minor so therefore the only proof that they have of you is memory. The other stores (at a different mall) won't know it's you.

  4. The dropping of the case has no affect on your being kept out of the store. The store is a private company and may exclude people for cause. As to how they'd know, I couldn't tell you that. I'd just shop elsewhere for a while if I were you.

  5. It sounds like you have been 86'ed from the store.  Shop(lift) somewhere else for now on.

    If you get caught in there, the store owner could come after you and charges could be reinstated.

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