
Minor children bike riding on my property

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I finally caught on camera these 10-12 year old boys riding their bikes on my property and they have been warned twice before to stay off. My question is can the police do anything about it with the evidence I have like maybe a warning to their parents?




  1. make police reports, show them the videos..they will contact the parent. if you have the information of who the children are to talk with the parents to have their children not to ride their bikes on your property. If it continues after that, you may be able to press tresspassing charges against them..but try step contacting your local police department

  2. Yes it is trespassing.  Call the police and they will talk to the parents, they should anyway.  

  3. By reporting these kids to the police, you will not only be doing you and your neighbors a favor, but the actual kids as well.  First, talk to your neighbors.  Ask if they had noticed that a few kids had been bike riding on their property, and if they want to also file a complaint with the police.  If they don't mind the riders, then just defend your own property.  The fact that you warned the kids before means that they are deliberately tresspassing on your land with no regard for you.  If they learn some respect, it'll do them good in the long run.  Call your local police and have them talk with the parents.  It's not like you want them to be thrown in jail, you just want them off your property.  And you have every right in the world to want that.  Good luck, and hopefully the problem will be resolved!  Hope this helps!

  4. Yes

  5. Well maybe the police could go talk to the parents and tell them what the kids are doing so they could tell them to stop,but you should probably talk to the parents and ask them to get the kids to ride there bikes somewhere else.

  6. Deffinately call the police, tresspassing is a crime, not to mention extremely annoying.

  7. Get their parents involved (I wouldn't bring up the video tape though...).  If the kids continue to trespass after that, call the police and ask if there is anything they can do about it.

  8. Call their parents and tell them that their kids are trespassing on your property. If that doesn't work, take pictures and show them to the police.

  9. I would speak with the parents first and if this doesn't solve the problem, go to the police next with your videotape.

  10. they are 12 years old...   are they hurting anything???   Would you prefer they congregate on the street?

    I bet your 6th grade self would kick your **** for being such a old foogie.

  11. Try talking to the parents first if that doesn't work, then call the police explain the situation let them know that the parents are not willing to cooperate and give them the evidence.

    Good luck.  

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