
Minor moving in with older brother

by Guest58833  |  earlier

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Say a 16 year old wants to move to a different city to stay with her older brother temporarily for like a year, does any legal procedures have to go down such as court stuff?





  1. Not since it is brother and sister. Each state have their own laws so you might want to check with a lawyer in that state. Usually the first visit is free.

  2. Take it easy ....tap the breaks ....

    all that legal stuff really chips away at our indpenedence and freedom.  I understand the need for a judicial system and even have respect.  Yet I believe we need to work more consciously at our own issues before dragging all that into it.  The only issues you might have is getting into school and seeing who will be the responsible party.  How old is this brother?  What city?  What are the reasons you want to go there?  Will your mom and dad approve?  They would have to sign a paper of guardianship or something so your brother can sign for you to register for school along with other things.  What would living with your brother offer you now that waiting til you're 18 woudln't offer you.  See, as a minor someone is still legally responsible for your actions.  If you get into an accident, who can sign for your care?  There are lots of little issues to consider.  SO be willing to talk and negotiate with your family to see what can be done.  I don't know if I answered your question but there are some more things to consider for such a large change.  2 years isn't as long as it seems at 16.  Then you are free to do for yourself as then you are legally responsible for yourself and your actions.  (tough part is you are also financially responsible for yourself so  plan on working so that you can make the decisions you want to in life.  And are not limited to the things you don't want)  I am not saying don't go and I am not saying to go.  Only saying think pooh bear think.  And come up with a plan.  Just make sure you're understanding some of the issues.  You can't make good decisions without understanding the potentials.  Either way it happens,  I hope things turn out as you like and Good Luck!

  3. He would have to have temporary custody through the courts. He would have to have permission to take you to the Dr. or Hospital if something went wrong. He would also have to have permission to take care of things at school. Your parents should talk to an attorney to make sure all is right, before you go.

  4. that is your brother  

  5. Depends on the states involved, as long as you have parental consent it should not be a problem.

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