
Minor surface cracking on the top of my board. What's the deal???

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I am starting to get some minor surface cracking and something is pushing through on the top of my board. It is located right where the side fins are and almost looks like the pegs that slide into the fin holes for my removeable fins are what is coming through. I can't really tell if its happening on the tail fin too because I have a traction pad. Has anyone ever seen this? How can I fix it?

And more importantly for long term, does this maybe mean I am too big for my board.

It is a 6-8 x 19.5" x 2.5" and I am 6-2 200lbs. I consider myself an itermediate rider and can ride the face of the wave when we have good days with some power here but struggle to get long rides when the waves are below 1'.




  1. u should probably get another board and give this board to a pal, cause this board can't stand up to much more stress.

  2. if your boards fins are made by fcs, its the fin plugs are pushing out and spider craking it, you can get it fixed only cost about 50 bucks and you would get new fin plugs. good size board for you. you need to get your board in the shop, the fin plugs break so easy, next time you get a board get future fins, they are alot better and more reliable. my past two boards with fcs, have broke straight threw the top, pushed up my trac pad. suckeddd. but now i have futures and they are amazing

  3. Your board is a good size for you. I have never had any problems with my fcs system but I have one board with futuras and they are sooooo much better.

  4. Dude, do yourself a favor a don't listen to the three previous people (no offense,eh?). First and foremost, for a guy your size your board IS too thin, narrow, and short. Put it this way. I've been consistently surfing for 22 years. I'm 5'7" and 150 pounds. Besides my 7'0 and 8'0 pin tails (for big days), I mainly ride 6'3" x 18.25" x 2.25" boards. You out weigh me by a good 50 pounds and you're only riding a board that is 1/4 of an inch thicker than mine? My guess is you're probably having floatation problems and might have a relatively difficult time getting into waves. Not your fault, man. You're a big boy! You need to get yourself equipment more suitable for your size. Do that, and you will see a HUGE positive difference in your surfing. Try picking up something like 6'10" x 20.75" x 3.50". Tweak it as you may, but those numbers are going to be awfully close to what your looking for!

    As far as your cracking goes, it's one of two things. Maybe even both! A) what we just talked about. Your board is too small and as a result, it's integrity is sacrificed. It structurally can't hold up. B) whoever glassed your board, did a poor job. Probably added too much catalyst to his resin mixture.

    Hope this helps! Now go pick yourself out a proper stick, and watch your surfing noticeably improve. Good luck!

  5. Sounds like you are s serious wave rider. Modern manufactured boards are light in the glass area, most are.

    It is stress that cause spider cracks. You could just sand and glass over it, maybe add some Cloth and Resin.

    You could get a custom made board and give that one to a younger wave rider.

    Your a large surfer, so 7+ may be better, may not, that is all individual style.

    Talk to the locals and have one custom made by a local wave rider.

  6. If you are surfing well, and having no prob paddling into waves, then get whatever size board you want, within reason.  the specs above are good, but if you like what you ride, then stick with it.  boards are like golf clubs, you gotta go out with the right stick for the right waves.

    You may need another board to ride the smaller waves, but for your question here, you have a board with a bad glass job.  you can add some cloth and resin to where you are getting the spider cracks, but the balance of your board will be off, unlessyou go somewhere to get the dings repaired RIGHT.  Find a good and well established ding repair guy to get the job done right.  Then find another board for smaller waves.  I've got a few boards in my quiver.  some are specifically designed for north shore, while I use the others for some more laid back South shore surfing. Aloha

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