
Minors Driving To Canada. What Would We Need?

by Guest61405  |  earlier

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Hi me(17) and my friend(16) want to take a road trip to Canada from California. The Car is registered to my mom. We both have our drivers license and passports along with birth certificates if needed. Is there anything else we will need when crossing? I read somewhere about having a note signed by my parents? Can someone explain it in detail and tell me if I will need anything else? or a helpful website/phone number?





  1. wow im shocked your parents would let you drive that far. kudos to them. just a passport as far as i know.

  2. just to be on the safe side a letter from both of your parents

  3. Youths under the age of 19, who are travelling alone, will not be admited to Canada.

    Why ? Too many underage  American  kids in the past have entered Canada, and then refused to "go home ".  Hence  the new rules about refusing entry to minors, who are not with a Parent. .

    Jim B. Toronto.

  4. Bring all the mentioned documents with you. That is all that is necessary for your entry to Canada.

    There are also requirements for the car you will be driving.

    It is mandatory that you have a copy of the vehicle registration/ownership/pink slip/title, plus a certificate of proof of vehicle insurance.

    Since it is not your own vehicle, you will absolutely need to show that you have permission to drive it out of USA, and it is imperative that it is in writing in the form of a signed letter, and it has to show full contact information for the actual owner.

    That will be necessary to enter Canada and will probably be even more important when you return to USA.

    You can get all the Border information you need from this website:

    Click on English, then on Traveller information.


  5. you need written permission from both parents with a contact phone number  where border control can call them if they want to verify the letter

    border control has the right to deny you entry if they so choose

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