
Mirena IUD, Removal, lots of unanswered questions?

by Guest66111  |  earlier

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Hey guys I am hoping that you may be of some help in answering my question.....I had the Mirena IUD inserted in January of 2007 ever since then I have had problems with it; (ultrasound found it to be "Low" in my cervix). So I recently had intercourse with my Fiancee' and I had pains up towards the end of our love making that were so bad I had to have him take me to the E.R (i'm not a fan of hospitals) the diagnosis was that my Fiancee' had jammed my IUD into my uterus and it had to be removed A.S.A.P so of course with no insurance I had to pay $255.00 to have it removed. now that it is removed my question is this.....if during the course of having the IUD I had maybe 10 periods in a year and a half and just had it removed on the 14th of July will I be fertile enough to concieve a child? I had my monthly on July the 2nd-The 9th, Then I went to the E.R the 11th and had it out the 14th bled for 5 days now having prego symptoms? any help is GREATLY appreciated.




  1. Hard to tell by having it removed it may throw your period off. Starting it back up. It is recommended that you wait until you have 3 cycles before becoming pregnant. For 3 reasons

    1. You want your lining to build to a good level. If you are period free while on Mirena then you will def want to wait the 3 cycles because if you are period free it means you are not building up the lining on your uterus so if you happen to ovulate while your lining is still to thin the fertilized egg will be unable to take and nourish. Once you have had 3 cycles it is safe to say your body has re adjusted to its own hormones.

    2. If mild scarring happens at the time of removal 3 cycles will give it time to heal (There is no way to know if you did or did not have scarring)

    3. for timing purposes. Once you have had 3 cycles you will be more likely to have a pattern and you will be able to pinpoint conception better there for timing your pregnancy better.

    I just had my second Mirena removed to TTC

  2. I don't think it is true you are "super fertile" after it is removed.  It takes a while for fertility to return if anything.

    Pregnancy is probably possible but unlikely.  The pregnancy symptoms are probably more likely to be caused by your hormones trying to get back to normal.  You are having hormones running round your body now that the coil has suppressed for over a year - no wonder you have funny symptoms.  

    Only one way to be sure - do a test and put your mind at rest but like I said it is POSSIBLE but not likely.

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