I was wondering if there is an actual medical reason that you have to have had a child for them to insert Mirena. I ask this question because my husband and I looked into getting him a vascectomy, but they won't perform a vascectomy unless you have a child already or until you are 25 years old. There is no medical reason for this, apparently they just like telling people that they're not capable of deciding whether or not they want children until the age of 25. Therefore, I wanted to know if there is an actual physical reason a woman has to have passed a child through her birth canal for them to insert Mirena or if they have just decided that a woman is not allowed to decide for herself that she doesn't want to bear children.
Other than not having had children Mirena looks like the perfect birth control method for me, so I'm wondering if it's an issue I should push or if there is an actual valid reason I can't get it.