
Mirror mirror what you want from me?

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Mirror mirror what you want from me?




  1. To reflect - and it doesn't have to be all the time, either.

  2. Show my faults , so I can Improve

    Hide my Ego , So I remain True ,

    Show me Humbleness so I serve


  3. To see the truth in me.

  4. "I want you to accept what you see ".

  5. A big smile..say cheese.

  6. It wants your soul and it already took most of mine.

  7. Mirror mirror,

    reflecting truth,

    for all to see and stare.


    What I seek,

    Is truly just not there!

  8. My friend inner peace sort of beat me to it, with a slight twist.

    Mirror mirror what do you want from me?

    For you to see your truth reflected in me.

    Can we ask more from each other?


  9. I should like to have from Mirror an other poet's visions  of me....

  10. It is apparent that it wants you to ask this question. Ask it of your self.

    The mirror wants for nothing.  

  11. Mirror....Mirror....

    has no needs you see.

    Assisting man to differentiate....

    illusion from Reality.

  12. Take a good long look. It will tell you the truth. Mirrors never lie!

  13. I have no idea what the mirror wants from me...but I want that it gives me a younger image....Can be possible??? IOI


  14. oh ho- the age old question has sparked plentiful thoughts apon the readers minds.

  15. Mirror Mirror I just want to be Free

    and just be ME.............

    and Mirror Mirror you can't take that from ME :))))

  16. mirror does not want any thing from you. it is you  who  want to know from mirror about you self.  

  17. "I n t r o d u c t i o n page 5

    ...and barbaric acts committed by the Japanese in the city, for its

    aim is not to establish a quantitative record to qualify the event

    as one of the greatest evil deeds of history, but to understand the

    event so that lessons can be learned and warnings sounded.

    Differences in degree, however, often reflect the differences in kind, and so a few statistics must be used to give the reader an

    idea of the scale of the massacre that took place...

    in a city named N a n k i n g...

    Using numbers killed alone, the Rape of N a n k i n g surpasses

    much of the worst barbarism of the Ages. The Japanese outdid

    The Romans at Carthage (only 150,000 died in that slaughter)...

    Hitler killed 6 millions Jews, and Stalin more than than 40 millions Russians, but these

    deaths were brought about over some few years.In the Rape of

    N a n k i n g the killing was concentrated within a few weeks.."

    Iris Chan -The Rape of N a n k i n g.

    Yet C-sections & e p i s i o t o m i e s have killed you S a m u r a i s:

    They are "exports" from The Barbaric Cartels existing and sanctioned by Fiendish & uneducated Psychiatrists. The American Dream was built on Indian Genocide. The USA thinks 'anything' is allowed these days. I repeat IT Unashamedly, Japanese:

    Inseminated Twins Have NO S)o(u l s and are CONTRARY to

    Humane Norms.

    Circumcision is No Longer necessary: IT causes sexual problems which become "behavioral problems".

    The Establishment FDA cannot be respected anymore as it is treading Human flesh. This goes against Our Western values.

    The USA is misbehaving to such an extent:

    We cannot trust you anymore Americans, not until you elect an

    Indian President.

    Your Reservations are reminiscent of the Apartheid system in South Africa. Compensations were never made. Your Women are sterile and

    so "artificial", it makes One "sick" at the thought of looking at any of them, especially the Pregnant Ones.

    It is horrific !

  18. To smile and see yourself reflected in me, and me in you...

    -----you and I have been like two ships who pass each other regularly..though we sometimes move in different directions we share the same sea.

    May you enjoy calm waters today....unless you need some excitement.. :)

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