
Misbehaving Toddler?

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My 16 month old boy has been misbehaving. He has started hitting, biting, pulling hair, and drowning stuff. He's behaviour has me alarm. I have tried talking to him, time out, taking away toys, it just doesn't work. I stay at home w/ him, so not like he's learning this from someone. Any tips? Can he be acting like this b/c of my pregnancy?




  1. Well hes actions could maybe be solved by getting close up in his face and giving a dirty look saying No !

    Or spanking?

  2. Put him in his room and close the door. Explain he can not come out until he has calmed down, works like a charm with my daughter.

  3. all though we dont like it when are kids acts out its normal for his age to begin this type of behavior. if time out doesn't work then spank him on his behind not with objects just with your hand and not on his skin right over his clothes.

  4. could be  but honestly its most likely an age thing.. my daughter does it too and she s almost 2.5yrs..  discipline him and tell  him NO thats a bad thing .. repeatedly  eventually he'll get it.

  5. I'm positive that you can not  reason with a 16month old.  

    Honestly I have been working as a nanny for about 10 years and have been a parent myself for 3.5 and what I have found to be most effective is to play the "Hitting Game".   I would NEVER attempt this to any child that was in my charge, but have found this the most effective way with MY OWN child.   I have many other techniques that I have used, with the children in my care, but none of them are as effective as this one.

    My son has only hit me a few times  because I always very excitedly play the "Hitting Game" when it happened.   I just acted so surprised and excited saying  something like " oh are we going to play the hitting game?" (big smiles and over animated) and hit him back.  He laughed at first and hit me again ...I just smiled along and hit him back harder. We kept going, keeping it very light hearted, until  he decided that I hit to hard and didn't want to play this game with mommy. Like I said he has only done this a few times and has opted not to play the game anymore.  It was really his choice not to hit me and that makes a huge difference.  We  don't usually spank or hit in our family and  I honestly think that he really didn't understand that hitting hurts until we played this little game.   He had never had the experience of being hit before and now he does and chooses not to do it.

  6. At his age he is too young too reason with....Seriously just the threat of a spank on the behind would settle down most ....he seems very violent....get it under control b4 it is too late.
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