
Miscarage :\ sorry if spelled wrong?

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I am soon to be prego but I can't get over the fear of a miscarage .. How can I prevent it ? Again sorry if spelled wrong I'm on my sidekick




  1. You can't prevent miscarriages completely, sometimes it happens because of unavoidable birth complications. The best thing you can do is stay healthy; eat right, stay away from any smoking/drinking/drugs, and any dangerous high-impact activities.

    Miscarriages are common, and many women have them without realizing they're even pregnant! But you have to think, how many people successfully have children? You have a much better chance of having a safe pregnancy and delivery, so don't scare yourself with "what-if's". Just do whatever you can to take care of your body, and the rest is out of your hands. "If it's meant to be, it will be," and all that :)

  2. always be careful on what you eat and where you go.. do not step into slippery places.. Me too i am scared of miscarriage and deform baby.. i guess it is just normal

  3. There is no way to prevent a miscarriage. But stressing over it, and worrying will bring on a miscarrriage. Miscarriage usually happens when something is wrong with baby. My first preg. i was scared too until my 2nd trimester.(miscar.usually happen in the 1st) just dont worry about it and I kept my self busy for my first pregn. planning the birth, wondering the gender, picking names, window shopping for baby iteams. calm and cool is the way to go for your sake and the babies.

  4. The only thing you can do is go to a doctor, get your health checked and any problems fixed before you try to conceive. You should also take vitamins to make sure the baby is in the best health it can be. Other things include you and your partner giving up smoking/drinking. Caffeine, although does not induce miscarriages, increases the likelyhood of them.

    Just take care of your health and what is meant to be will be.  

  5. Talk to your doctor. You have to think would you rather not have a baby or take the risk and maybe have it all work out?

    Your not alone. So many other woman feel the same way.

  6. You have to stop worrying.  Having a baby is wonderful & there are many risks & heartaches that go along with being a parent. You should talk to your OB about the chances of miscarriage & you can talk to them about trying to conceive.  Good luck & stress less!!

  7. ok, its miscarriage. and its completely normal to have that fear. have you had a miscarriage before? that could make you more afraid of it. i got past the fear after i saw the ultrasound. when i could actually see the baby moving and hear the heart beating, i was fine.

  8. Excercise....(better aerobic than anaerobic)....healthy eating, no drinking, smoking cigs or ROCKS,......or using strong sleep aids/strong other meds containing Codeine....avoid being around ppl who are smoking...(SECOND HAND TAKES A HUGE TOLL)....and actually believe it or not....stressing yourself out so much about miscarriaging.....stress produces cortisol in your brain and throughout your body....if cortisol levels remain high for too long it can act as neurological acid and s***w your brain, and thus your babys brain.....also LAUGH A LOT....for that has very many healing benefits to it...including reducing cortisol levels dramatically...allowing you to use both sides of your brain at once (giving creativity and stress relief to your situation)....laughing also is good aerobically....100-200 soft laughs =10 min-15min. on a rowing machine or treadmill....20secs. of hard belly laughter= 3 mins on aerobic machine

  9. Worrying about miscarrying is legitimate, especially if its happened before. But it is important to stay positive as being in a good mood sends happy hormones to your baby. I think if you are taking good care of yourself (avoid a lot of caffeine, eat healthy, rest when you can, go to your check ups) that is the most you can do. Good luck, I hope you have a good pregnancy.

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