
Miscarriage. Went to the hospital &...?

by  |  earlier

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I was in so much pain but not much

blood was passing so i phoned for an ambulance as the pain was unbearable. earlier on in the day

i passed a really big clot, wasn't sure what

it was. They gave me loads of pain killers which didn't really have any affect on me except they made me feel really dizzy and in a daze.

The nurse did something but i was too out of it to ask what or why she was doing this. Im thinking maybe somebody could help me.

Well, she used the same instrument they use when looking to see if your cervix is still closed, not sure what it is called. Then she used these tong like things with loads of tissue and soaked up loads of blood and removed some clots.

Could anybody explain why she would of done this and what she really was doing. Could she of removed the baby?

After she was finished she quickly threw away what she had, she seemed like she really didn't want me to see.

Is this much pain actually normal in miscarriage? I felt as though i needed to push and i couldn't keep still , i was boiling hot, couldn't breathe very well and was very dizzy




  1. I am sorry sorry for your loss.  I have been there myself 3 times before I could finally carry my son to term.  What you had was a D & C procedure.  Of the 3 times, I only had to have that once.  They say that about 50% of miscarriages will require one.  Generally the further into the pregnancy the more likely you are to need one.  What they will do is open your cervix (which is that instrument you were talking out) and they will remove the tissue that was inside.  They will not let you see.  I don't think that you would really want to see. I was very hot myself and it hurt quite a bit as well.  It takes a little while to recover from.  The best advice that I can give you is to mourn your loss and try to move forward the best that you can.  A lot of women go through miscarriage.  Many can go and have a normal healthy baby.

  2. sounds like she mite of done a d&c its were they clean out whats left in side ur baby mite have been there then again u mite have passed it in a clot i have suffered 3 miscarriages all of them have been different but my worst was my second as they had 2 do a d&c to remove the baby

    hope this helps I'm very sorry for ur loss as i no this can feel like the worst time of ur life but I'm shore if u give ur tummy enough time to heal u will go on 2 have a happy healthy baby i did xxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Sorry for your loss.

    The nurse was cleaning out your cervix to get rid of any blood clots or extra material that would cause you infection if left there. It is normal for this to happen after a miscarriage. You will probably bleed for the next few days, heavy at first, then getting lighter. If you feel unwell with a temperature or have more abdominal pain, go back to the hospital so they can check if you have retained anything that shouldn't be there. She threw away the blood etc, probably because she thought you might not want to see it as it would upset you further. Take care of yourself and seek counselling if you need it, your GP will be able to give you a number to call or you can look up this site for more information.

  4. I would call your dr and ask. Best of luck to you hun.

  5. I am sorry to hear about this, but how far along were you? That sure seems like alot to have only been in the first trimester (early pregnancy). The bigger clot was probably what would have been or was the placenta. When I had a miscarriage I was 6 weeks and passed everything on my own at home. My dr. said to watch for clots. That if I had a lot and they were big to go to the hospital,but if there werent that many or any at all not too be alarmed. It was just parts of the forming placenta and other baby material being passed.

    I cannot even imagine going thru what you did. I am really sorry.  

  6. I've never miscarried but I have two friends who have, they both had different experiences and from what I understand it can vary depending on the person, how far along you are, etc.

    I don't have anything other to offer other than I am so sorry for your loss and I hope you get some rest and feel better soon.

  7. i am sorry to hear that you had a miscarriage i had one to and the blood clots that you were passing was the beginning of it and you could pass your baby then but what the nurse will do and did do is a d&c that is where they go in and clean out your cervix to make sure that all the membranes of the baby is all out of you i am truly sorry God Bless

  8. this was heartbreaking to read, you poor thing, blessings for you and the  baby you lost, am sorry for your recent loss and pain and I hope your pain  physical settles soon .I think the clot you passed was maybe the sac I do not wish to upset you further ,nurse had to ease the placenta out and make sure it was cleaned from the uterus wall and to make sure no clots remained behind, which could cause infection.xx

  9. Well... I am not sure.  I have never experienced a miscarriage but I would assume that she was removing the placenta.  Ask your obgyn.

  10. Seriously, you need to phone the doctor or the hospital and get yourself checked out again.

    I had a miscarriage in January and ended up having a blood transfusion due to losing so much blood because my cervix didn't close.

    Please get medical attention now.

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