
Miscarriage question ???

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I had my last period on July 1st, Aug 2nd my HCG levels were 98, Aug 4th they were 283, then my last test was Aug 11th and they were 3,321. I had an ultrasound done on Aug 18 and my dr just called me back with the results. He said that there was no fetal pole or fetal heart activity and that by that time (6 weeks) and with levels of 3321 that there should have been a fetal pole, and that Im having a miscarriage and should plan on a D&C. I asked if maybe it were just too early to see the baby and he said no not with those levels and he is sending me today to have my levels rechecked. Am I going through a miscarriage? I dont have any pains, my nipples are still sore and Im always tired, but I guess this could be from my HCG levles. Im so lost this is my 5th pregnancy, I have one son..had 2 ectopics and 1 chemical pregnancy. Am I going to lose this baby too?




  1. Hi,

    Wait, dont rush into it.  wait for your levels to be checked again and ask to be scanned in another week.  If you rush into it you might regret not waiting.  I really hope your little bean it just a little younger than you originally thought.  I hope it all works out for you  

  2. don't do it! get a second opinion it still can be too early no matter how high your levels are. In fact your levels going up correctly is an indication of a healthy pregnancy! Find out for sure before you let them do the d&c. Wait another 2 weeks before you have another ultrasound.

  3. DO NOT get a D&C.  That is very early for them to say you are having a miscarriage.  I was told that at 7 weeks they should see one.  However your dates could be off.  I did have this happen and I did have a miscarriage at 9.5 weeks.  I went in at 7 weeks and they didn't see anything, and then again at 8 weeks.  It is very hard to deal with and it is very sad. I think it is too soon to say that you are having a miscarriage though.  If you numbers are still going up I would not let them do the D&C.  Also I would insist on another ultrasounds, a week later.  If you are having a miscarriage, you could have no signs.  I had no symptoms of a miscarriage at all.  It took about 3 weeks for my body to realize and then I started spotting, not much pain though.  Actually none.  

  4. Obviously the answer is "yes you may lose this baby too".  If you are having a miscarriage at this stage, I would expect you to feel any pains.

    However, for the most part, the doctor is right.  While it's possible for you to not see fetal heart activitiy at this point, by 6 weeks you should at least be able to see a fetal pole.

    Of course, doctors are not perfect.  There is always the outside chance that everything is fine and a set of a-typical situations is confusing the doctor.

    I don't want to hold out any false hope, but I won't be planning on a D&C just yet.  First of all, there isn't an urgent need for a D&C.  It's early enough that you shouldn't have to have a D&C and just let the miscarriage occur naturally (this is an area for addition research for you... basically to decide if you even want to have a D&C).  But at the same time, I would also make sure that you've allowed AT LEAST a week before getting another ultrasound to confirm the miscarriage.  Waiting a week would put you at 7 weeks and the doctor should be able to easily see a change since last week if indeed everything is fine.  But if you're really having a miscarriage, then I wouldn't expect the fetal sac to have grown any and then you'll know for sure that its a miscarraige.

    My advice is to not jump and planning a D&C.  Assuming you're having a miscarriage, there isn't any reason to assume you have to have a D&C.  

    While I don't want to hold out any false hope,  

  5. Please go to the website below.  It's a great source for miscarriage information.

    Tests show that your HCG levels are going up.  If you are only 6 weeks is way to early to be talking about D&C.  

    It could be that you've got a slow starter, a tilted uterus, and there are number of factors in why you haven't seen your baby yet.

    I'm shocked that your doctor would suggest a D&C that soon.  I'd get a second opinion.  

    Good Luck

  6. I would go and get a second opinion.  With your HCG levels increasing I would think you would be carrying a baby.  But I'm not a doctor so I don't know all the ins and outs of it.  I just had a miscarriage 4 weeks ago and I had bad cramping and bleeding.  So go get a second opinion.  I hope everything is okay.  I'll pray for you.

  7. I agree with everyone else!  Don't let a DR push you into something you feel uncomfortable with.  If HCG levels are still rising, then wait.  If you don't wait, you will always wonder.  Good luck to you:)

  8. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels can have quite a bit of variance at this point. Anything from 18 - 7,340 mIU/ml is considered normal at 5 weeks. Once the levels have reached at least 2000, some type of development is expected to be seen in the uterus using high resolution vaginal ultrasound. If using a transabdominal ultrasound, some type of development should be seen when the hCG level has reached 3600 mIU/ml. Although development may be seen earlier, these levels provide a guide of when something is expected to be seen

    I would wait on D&C. IF it is a miscarriage your body will most likely take care of itself. In case this pregnancy is just falling outside of "normal" ranges, I wouldn't let them touch me.

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