Okay its been a while since I miscarried, but I think I'm pregnant again and I would really like to know why I miscarried in the first place...There is a lot of varibles that come into play...first off(assuming my dr was right and i was prego in FEb.) then I had drank some on my birthday and I had gotten into a hot tub...but I don't think I was pregnant then because I didn't miss my period until March and no test came back positive until the day I missed my period...not to mention I tracked my ovulation in march and it said I ovulated....SO....the next two reasons go either way pregnant since Feb or March...I slipped and fell(2 or 3 days my calculations) with a 2 1/2 year old who landed on my stomach OR I had this REALLY bad cough that would even wake me up at night, it would get so bad that i couldn't breathe until I took a drink of water, and it was CONSTANT...If none of these caused it I don't know what did...I just want to know what you think, please be nice...I've been thro a lot!