
Miscarried a while ago just curious as to why?

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Okay its been a while since I miscarried, but I think I'm pregnant again and I would really like to know why I miscarried in the first place...There is a lot of varibles that come into play...first off(assuming my dr was right and i was prego in FEb.) then I had drank some on my birthday and I had gotten into a hot tub...but I don't think I was pregnant then because I didn't miss my period until March and no test came back positive until the day I missed my period...not to mention I tracked my ovulation in march and it said I ovulated....SO....the next two reasons go either way pregnant since Feb or March...I slipped and fell(2 or 3 days my calculations) with a 2 1/2 year old who landed on my stomach OR I had this REALLY bad cough that would even wake me up at night, it would get so bad that i couldn't breathe until I took a drink of water, and it was CONSTANT...If none of these caused it I don't know what did...I just want to know what you think, please be nice...I've been thro a lot!




  1. You could miscarry due to many things  how old are you???

  2. you will NEVER  get an explanation, i miscarried my first baby and like you i always wonder why. i blamed myself for a long time, i drank alcohol before i knew i was pregnant and i went for sunbeds, when i found out i was pregnant i stopped. then i found i miscarried and blamed myself.

    it took me a long long time to realise that bad things happen. please try to move past this, hard as i know it is.

  3. Usually it's a blighted ovum.  It's just a medical term for cells that didn't develop into a baby.  It also usually means that their was an imperfection that was not compatible with life.  (I don't mean for that to sound cruel).

    You probably won't get a Dr. to send your tissue unless you've had at least 3 miscarriages.  Why?  because they are fairly common.

  4. OK reasons for miscarriage are a problem with the baby, or a problem with the mom.  For the baby (embryo) it is usually a replication error that occurs before 6 weeks, and usually before a heartbeat is detected.  This is an accident and can happen to anybody and does happen in 25% of all pregnancies.  Problems with the mom trauma, illness, or chronic condition such as PCOS.  This isn't your fault, an early embryo is pretty well protected even when falling on the stomach.  Coughing wouldn't do it either.  Most likely it was replication error and you won't have another one, should you have another miscarriage your gyn will begin to look at you.  I have PCOS and have lost 3 pregnancies.  One was ectopic, then miscarriage then diagnosed PCOS and still another miscarriage.  IT is hard not to feel guilty.  I do have 3 beautiful boys and have been through genetics counseling, high risk pregnancies, fertility, and had my miscarriages sent to pathology (nothing wrong with them) one was late 20 weeks. You are young and in good health, I know next pregnancy you will worry about a repeat but it shouldn't happen again.

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