
Miscarried (could i please have alot of answers )?

by  |  earlier

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well i had misscarriage 4 weeks ago and i have still not come on my period. i woz 6 weeks when i miscarried.

how long after a miscarriage do u get a negative on a test?

when do u think i should do a test to check im not pregnant?

what else do u think it could be ?

please help !!!




  1. when i lost my baby it took 4wks b4 the hospital got a negative test,i had weekly check ups because i was passing it naturally

    i was sure i was pregnant still even though i was bleeding heavily and had weekly scans but because the tests were still + i was sure they had made a mistake

    but they were 100% its normal for the hormones to take a while to settle back to b4 u were pregnant.

    my period was about 6wks after the miscarraige

    if u are un sure plz see a doctor x

  2. I have miscarried before, so im sorry for your loss. It was a while ago but as i recall i had to have blood tests within 48hrs of each other to see if the baby had passed. I dont recall having a period afterwards for a while and i think its down to your body sorting itself out kinda thing. I personally wouldnt to a test to check it may just upset you more to see a negative . Call your doctor if your really concerned but i think its pretty normal.

  3. If you've been to a doctor who has confirmed your miscarriage, then you are not pregnant, don't waste your money on a pregnancy test. You haven't gotten your period yet because your body is still in the healing phase. Give it time and you will start having them again. If you're very concerned, like it seems you are, go to a doctor and discuss it with him or her. They will most certainly be able to put your fears to rest.

  4. Am very sorry for you silent lost...I have been there before so i can totally empathize with you.

    I was also about 6weeks into the pregnancy when i miscarreied. I had a negative result when i tested a week after the miscarriage and i went on to have my normal period 27day after the day i started bleeding.

    But i guess our bodies are all different and therefore react different

    below is sites that answers most question on miscarriage - 48


    Baby center .com

    Hope they are useful to you

    Good luck dear

  5. My sister actually miscarried at about 6-8 weeks (don't remember exactly when) but her doc told her that a woman is super fertile after a miscarriage and to be very careful within the 3 months after the miscarriage. WELL, she literally got pregnant immediately after her miscarriage-I don't even remember if she got her first period after the miscarriage it was soooo soon after. So yes it is absolutely possible, and supposedly, your chances are much higher because you are much more fertile after a miscarrige. It could very possibly be that you are already pregnant again-especially since there was no telling when you ovulated after the miscarriage. BUT, on the other hand, it does take a while for your cycle to become regular again, and there is a chance that your cycle was thrown off somewhat because of the miscarriage. You are still super fertile though, so if it doesn't happen right after, your chances are still higher that it will happen very very soon after if you are trying. I would definitely take a test.

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