
Misconception about islam.?

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A few selected verses from the Qur’an are often misquoted to perpetuate the myth that Islam promotes violence, and exhorts its followers to kill those outside the pale of Islam.

1. Verse from Surah Taubah

The following verse from Surah Taubah is very often quoted by critics of Islam, to show that Islam promotes violence, bloodshed and brutality:

"Kill the mushriqeen (pagans, polytheists, kuffar) where ever you find them."

[Al-Qur’an 9:5]

2. Context of verse is during battlefield

Critics of Islam actually quote this verse out of context. In order to understand the context, we need to read from verse 1 of this surah. It says that there was a peace treaty between the Muslims and the Mushriqs (pagans) of Makkah. This treaty was violated by the Mushriqs of Makkah. A period of four months was given to the Mushriqs of Makkah to make amends. Otherwise war would be declared against them. Verse 5 of Surah Taubah says:

"But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is oft-forgiving, Most merciful."

[Al-Qur’an 9:5]

This verse is quoted during a battle.

3. Example of war between America and Vietnam

We know that America was once at war with Vietnam. Suppose the President of America or the General of the American Army told the American soldiers during the war: "Wherever you find the Vietnamese, kill them". Today if I say that the American President said, "Wherever you find Vietnamese, kill them" without giving the context, I will make him sound like a butcher. But if I quote him in context, that he said it during a war, it will sound very logical, as he was trying to boost the morale of the American soldiers during the war.

4. Verse 9:5 quoted to boost morale of Muslims during battle

Similarly in Surah Taubah chapter 9 verse 5 the Qur’an says, "Kill the Mushriqs where ever you find them", during a battle to boost the morale of the Muslim soldiers. What the Qur’an is telling Muslim soldiers is, don’t be afraid during battle; wherever you find the enemies kill them.

5. Shourie jumps from verse 5 to verse 7

Arun Shourie is one of the staunchest critics of Islam in India. He quotes the same verse, Surah Taubah chapter 9 verse 5 in his book ‘The World of Fatwahs’, on page 572. After quoting verse 5 he jumps to verse 7 of Surah Taubah. Any sensible person will realise that he has skipped verse 6.

6. Surah Taubah chapter 9 verse 6 gives the answer

Surah Taubah chapter 9 verse 6 gives the answer to the allegation that Islam promotes violence, brutality and bloodshed. It says:

"If one amongst the pagans ask thee for asylum,grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah; and then escort him to where he can be secure that is because they are men without knowledge."

[Al-Qur’an 9:6]

The Qur’an not only says that a Mushriq seeking asylum during the battle should be granted refuge, but also that he should be escorted to a secure place. In the present international scenario, even a kind, peace-loving army General, during a battle, may let the enemy soldiers go free, if they want peace. But which army General will ever tell his soldiers, that if the enemy soldiers want peace during a battle, don’t just let them go free, but also escort them to a place of security?

This is exactly what Allah (swt) says in the Glorious Qur’an to promote peace in the world.


ch :5 v32.If anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind.

"Let there be no compulsion in religion:

Truth stands out clear from error"

[Al-Qur’an 2:256]

Blood Money (Ad-Diyat) [83:10] Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet said, "The biggest of Al-Kaba'ir (the great sins) are (1) to join others as partners in worship with Allah, (2) to murder a human being, (3) to be undutiful to one's parents (4) and to make a false statement," or said, "to give a false witness."

*"The first cases to be adjudicated between people on the Day of Judgment will be those of bloodshed [killing and injuring] "-Mohammad,Narrated in Saheeh Muslim, #1678, and Saheeh Al-Bukhari, #6533.




  1. Thank you very much for this. May Allah reward you in the Hereafter for taking the effort to clear misconceptions like these.


  2. they try to find faults in Allah's word but they fail so they change it.

    i guess they do this because if they dont Islam will probably take over the world. well they should be afraid of muslims because we have so much faith and Allah on our side.

  3. Yes, I strongly agree with you brother. All the Islam bashers (amongst atheists and other non-Muslims alike) tend to wear blinkers; they only choose the surah's and ayat's from the Quran that appear to be seemingly good to prove their points; the rest are not important to them. Of course we are obliged to correct such fallacies and false accusations.

    The most recent classic example of such an act of manipulation of words of the Quran was done by Geert Wilders, a Dutch parliamentarian, in his short film entitled "Fitna" (fitnah in Arabic, meaning slander, defamation, and libel).

    Goto: for a more detailed discussion of the film and its impacts.

  4. sometime when people tried to translate a grandiloquent sentences they did not translate it 100% correct. so, leave it to the expert.

  5. People would have less misconceptions about Islam if certain people who call themselves Muslims didn't feed the same misconceptions.

    Muslims who know and practice the peaceful philosophy of Islam suffer as a result. And they are the first who have to stand up to violent interpretations.

  6. Your verse 2, basically says: kill them unless they want to become Muslims.  That is why they say Islam was spread by the sword.

    I didn't get beyond verse 2, because it was a boring rant.

  7. My dear brother Moeed salam for you. Yes I agree with your opinion that non muslims are eager to boost the wrong interpretation of some verses of the Qur'an.Ithink they made it intentionally for misleading the

    readers and to show that Islam is bad or worse.

    But this misleading information is not based on the misconception of Islam.The realated persons hate Islam and its followers.They did it because they are anti Islam.They do not want the islamic followers grows faster and faster so they made a negative propaganda.

  8. Totally Blunt was ... well, totally blunt! and totally right about it. I agree with her completely.

  9. people have a very bad habit of only seeing what we want to see. if somebody WANTS to believe the stereotypes on islam then no amount of proof you provide will change anything.

  10. may allah reward u bro

  11. baraka Allah feek brother, may Allah reward you,

    Jazaka Allah khair,,

  12. Ditto.

    People blame Islam only because Islam is the only right religion on the face of earth.

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