
Misconceptions about Pro-Choice advocates?

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There seems to be a perpetuating misconception that pro-choicers are only pro-choicers because they have had an abortion, plan on having an abortion, or use abortions as birth control. This is most definitely NOT always the case, and probably is LESS the case than most people think. Many pro-choicers don't have abortions and wouldn't have one themself. Why do you think this misconception exists? Does supporting something mean you must take part in it lest you be a hypocrite?




  1. This is just a smear designed to impugn the motives of Pro Choicers. I think pro choice people are genuinely concerned with women's rate and autonomy of the human being. On the contrary it's the so called pr lifers, who are totalitarians, wanting to impose their beliefs on others.

  2. I think abortion should only be allowed in the cases of incest, rape, or possible death of the mother.  All other abortions are just a form of birth control.  

    Call it whatever you want.

  3. "You kill a person, it's an abortion; you kill a chicken, it's an omelet. How did we become better than chickens? Who made this rule up?" -Chris Rock quoting George Carlin

  4. Not true at all. Many people support the 2nd amendment to the constitution, even though they don't own guns. That makes them freedom advocates, not hypocrites.

    To bad we can't all support each other's rights and freedoms. Rather than let the government divide and conquer us.

  5. Yes, this is a deliberate attempt to exaggerate and distort.  Clearly they have trouble with the concept of CHOICE.

  6. this is thought because people would rather assume things than think about things.

    i am pro-choice and i'm 14 so therefore never had an abortion

  7. There are no misconceptions.

    Pro choice = homicide.

    By law, if you are part and party to a homicide you are as guilty as the murderer.

    Your poor attempts to distance yourselves from the act are PROOF that you know it's wrong.

    Would it make it OK if all pro-choicers were killed and we called it "post-natal abortion?"

  8. My own experiences validate what you are saying. The only folks I know who have had an abortion are today Born Again Christians and they have given birth to beautiful children.

    The world is never as black and white as some would have you believe.

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