
Misdemeanor for shoplifting...hope in medical career?

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i just got caught shoplifting $200 worth of clothes from macy's today and have a misdemeanor. i want to be an anesthesiologist someday, which is in the medical field. i'm only 14 so i'm wondering if this will stay on my record, and if it does if it's going to not allow me entrance to good colleges or job opportunities. i live in minnesota if that matters for different laws or whatever. and yes i do understand the stupidity of my actions and i've promised myself i'm never going to do it again.




  1. First of all the judge may give you a suspended sentence, that is, he may give you a deal where if you don't do anything else for a couple of years your record will be cleared. Second, I don't know if juvenile records even can transfer to become adult records. Third, shoplifting is a very minor crime many people will overlook it even if they learn about, particularly if you were 14 at the time. Fourth, as far as I know, colleges do not check criminal records unless they have a reason too, and even then a misdemeanor is not a big deal.

    So... do not even consider giving up on your goal. The shoplifting count will not stop you from achieving it. But do be very careful and not get caught doing anything else.

  2. Well it will always be on your record to a point, any law enforcement agency will be able to find it even if it is expunged. However you might want to see if you can "plea in obeyence" which is what a previous answer said might be possible, you will need to talk to a public defender about this. So, when you go to court ask to speak with an attorney; they can give you options of what you can do.

    As far as ruining any chance at getting a job as an adult or getting into a college, as long as this is an isolated incident it should not affect anything.

    Good Luck with your future career, and stay out of trouble.  

  3. If you were not caught,would you still realize"the stupidity of your actions" ?We all know the answer is no.

    A misdemeanor won't hurt your chances by the time your applying for the job but you had better straighten up.

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