
Miserable co-worker crush...?

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New girl started at work last week. Infatuation at first sight on my end no doubt.

I was actually part of the interviewing team that hired her!

Anyhow...shes beautiful, sweet, friendly...I honestly cannot find a flaw (so far) in her...and its probably the first "crush" I've had in years. (I'm 33, she's 29.)

I don't believe she is attached. She does have an 8 year old daughter and I know that dad is still involved if only to pick her up at the end of the day. Other than that she hasnt mentioned any other guy(s).

It's making me miserable. I'm trying to work things out with my current on-again-off-again girlfriend but I find myself thinking more about the girl at work than her.

I dont want to ruin any workplace friendship because we work very closely together, but d**n! I wish she'd just give a sign that she had completely ZERO interest..just so I could move on! I honestly can't remember feeling like this in so long...I've forgotten what the heck to do!





  1. Well Its simple realy, just be confident in yourslef and the outcome will most definately be positive as well. so just be yourself and ask her out to do something after work.. movies, shoot pool, get a drink, club, etc..

  2. From past experience, relationships should stay out of the work place, most of the time friendships get ruined and things get awkward. But, if you really feel in you're heart that she might be the one and its worth it then  go for it.

  3. Andrew you sound like a nice guy If I were you I would just start chatting with her and get as much info from her (descretly) and build on it if she is not attached ask her out for coffee at first and see how it goes from there.

    Godd Luck Andrew

  4. Go somewhere to meet a new girl friend. Workplace relationships are commonplace because the people at work spend so much time together.

    The relationships are fine when the two people like each other. There may be some office gossip or jealousy from other co-workers, but it is generally tolerable.

    The problem is that when the relationship breaks up, there is no getting away from each other. The back-biting and gossip start in earnest then.

    If you are really serious about dating someone at work, find a new job before becoming an "item." If that is too much trouble, then she was not really worth a serious relationship.

    If you were on the hiring team, then there will also be the issue of sexual harassment. Having that kind of decision-making power over her job and making advances on her is very shaky legal ground.

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