
Mispriced items help?

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I have just made several purchases from an internet website where lots of their items were for sale at £0.00. I also purchased some that came up at £2.99.

I have paid and received a confirmation email. Does this mean that the items are mine and that I should by law get them for the price it stated because it's not like it was just one at £0.00 there were quite a few.

Help me and advise me what to say to them if they call?





  1. It's all to do with offer and acceptance.

    Technically the website isn't making an offer when they show the price at a certain amount (or in your case £0.00), it will be classed as an invitation to treat.  You placing your order is actually the offer and then they can choose to accept it or not.

    This is just in case they incorrectly advertise the wrong price.

    A very famous case is an Argos case in 1999 which this very thing happened.

    I'm sorry therefore, if the price is incorrect, you cannot obtain your items at that incorrect price unless they decided to be nice (but I doubt it!!)

  2. When such a glaring pricing blunder has been made stores are under no obligation to sell the item to you as it should be obvious to you that you cannot 'buy' something marked at £0.00 - you should know that that is incorrect.

    They may contact you or email you about the price, if you don't want to pay the full-amount just laugh it off and say you "thought it was too good to be true" or that you simply didn't pay attention to the pricing tab.

  3. If you've paid, you've paid and there shouldn't be a problem. Especially if you paid by credit (not debit) card. Did you?
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